( AN )Introduction

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Okay so, let's all just pretend aj never left lol

I'm making this story for my brothers, I thought it'd be fun it'll be surprising if I ever finish it lmao

I may switch the dates around and stuff, I won't really be writing matches unless I wanna add like an important part to them.

What I mean about switching dates around is that the shield debuted November 2012 (I may make them debut a little earlier) but there are parts where I wanna add about aj's love interests with punk or Daniel Bryan ya know? And I don't know people may get confused but then again this is fiction. So I'm saying this now before anyone attacks me with their facts lol

I'm gonna try to make this a clean story cx since I'm writing this for my brother. His little fan boy self.

First Love ; Dean Ambrose x AJ LeeWhere stories live. Discover now