The Architect

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The night after TLC and everyone just couldn't stop talking about Johns and Zigglers match. I tried my best staying off all social media but I just couldn't help myself, what were they saying about me?

I was a heel now, not like people liked me as the cr—y chick. It wasn't what I expected, they were "shipping" me with either guys.

Little did they know Ziggler and Aj was actually in the works.

Tonight I was facing Brie Bella, and I was so ready for this. "Hey you."

"Hey Dolph what's up?" I sat up in my chair and gave him my attention. "Just wanted to say good luck on your match tonight, don't let the bellas get in your head."

"Thanks, but what do you mean by that?" Get in your head.

"You know, with the Brie Bella dating Daniel, I just didn't want you to be distracted by him at ringside."

Ringside? Daniel has no business being at ringside. "Daniel doesn't have any affect on me like that anymore, I assure you of that." I lied. Just hearing his name was enough to trigger my anxiety.

"Alright well, I'll be here if you need me." He smiled. Dolph was a nice guy and all but just something about him seemed off.

Or was that just me?


Clothesline after clothesline I was dominating this match. Daniel wasn't even out at ringside, I was definitely going to win this. Brie managed to elbow me in the face and knock me down.

As she stomped on me I could hear Nikki yelling out instructions. "Finish her Brie what are you doing?!"

I laid there in a corner trying to gather myself, and control my breathing. I almost recovered but everyone's attention was focused on Daniel's entrance playing.

I got myself up and just waited for him to come out but he never did. I turned around to focus on Brie but received a kick to the face. This wasn't Brie, this was Nikki.

Twin magic.

Nikki picked me up by my hair and threw me around the ring. Punches and kicks to my midsection repeatedly. She pulled me in close and took my chance. "Pin me already I can't take it anymore, I'm in pain."

"Tough luck." Nikki picked me up and held me on top of her shoulders. She dropped and so did I.

"1, 2, 3!"

The bellas celebrated over me, mocking me. The referee kept asking if I was okay, if I could move. The Bellas made their way out and I still couldn't find the strength to even sit up.

"Aj, give me something here do you need medical assistance?"

Before I could I give the referee an answer, I heard The shields song play. I was confused, the shield weren't supposed to be coming out tonight. The lower part of my stomach started to hurt more, I couldn't take this. The Bellas really got me this time.

I felt someone help me sit up, to my surprise it was Seth.

Only Seth.

"Where's the others?" I whispered to him as I held the injured area. "It's just me tonight." He replied checking me. The crowd was almost silent, they didn't know what to do, what to think. Seth helped me get out the ring but refused to let me walk backstage.

"I'm going to pick you up okay?" He didn't really give me a chance to reply. As he picked me up bridal style, I wrapped my arms around his neck making sure I didn't fall. With my luck I probably could.

We received multiple chants from the crowd, mostly towards Seth

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We received multiple chants from the crowd, mostly towards Seth. I'm not really liked by the WWE universe right now.

"Dude, what the hell?" I heard Dean yell. "I need to get to medical." Seth simply said moving past Dean. My whole body was hurting, there was a possibility that I could be out for a couple of weeks.

Seth made sure he got me to medical as fast as he could. I heard one of the bellas asking me if I was okay, obviously feeling guilty for not listening to me earlier. "I told you I didn't feel good."

"I know. I shouldn't have continued I'm sorry." Brie spoke for Nikki, she wasn't even in the ring when I said it. "I'll be fine."

The doctor came in and checked the injured area, Seth never leaving my side. "You took a bad hit but nothing too serious, it should be just some ugly bruising that's all. I say just take some rest and let this heal properly, take another bad hit it could make this a whole lot worse." He handed me an ice pack. "Two weeks max. I mean it Aj." I rolled my eyes.

"I'll make sure she gets her rest no worries Doc." Seth reassured him. "No promises." I mumbled.

The doctor left us alone with an ice pack and some Advil. "I should be fine in a couple of days, I've gotten worse hits." I spoke up.

"You're just like him." He sighed with a smile. "Like who?"

"Don't worry about it, but you will be resting until the doc says it's okay. I have given my word." He said fixing me another ice pack.

"Everything alright?" Roman and Dean walked in quietly. "Yeah Doctor says I'm fine." I smiled.

"She needs to rest for a couple of weeks, but she's not listening to me." Seth replaced the old ice pack with the new one. "Be careful." I whispered.

Dean walked over and slowly removed the ice pack that was placed a little below my midsection.

He gently put his hand over the injured area. "Ow what the-" I winced in pain. "If just placing my hand hurts you, you need to seriously listen to the medical specialist that this company hired for your safety."

He was right, they all were. "I don't want to." I argued.

"It doesn't matter what you want, but what's good for you alright?" He replied in a stern voice. "I don't want you getting hurt." He mumbled.

"Neither of us do." Seth added.

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