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I woke up feeling a bit uneasy. I had this weird dream about Kaitlyn and Daniel and just everyone I work with just being upset with me. "Kaitlyn?" If possible, she snored louder.

I grabbed my phone and looked up any good restaurants for my lunch with Daniel this afternoon.

Too greasy.
Too public.
Too fancy.

I put on my glasses and grabbed Kaitlyn's phone to search for Daniels number and saved it to on to mine. I headed to the bathroom to shower and to start my day.

After my very long and hot shower i noticed Kaitlyn was gone. I got dressed in my black jeans and tank top. I laid in bed and texted Daniel where to meet and at what time. He replied with a simple okay. Just okay.

No "I can't wait." Or some smiley face or anything, just an "okay." I'm regretting ever asking him out for lunch. I sat around and waiting for the clock to hit 1.

Since it was only 10 in the morning and I was already ready, I thought it wouldn't hurt to take a small nap. I set an alarm to ring at 12 to wake me up in time.

"You're crazy!" They yelled. I started to scream, to panic. I grabbed anything in reach and threw it at the wall. "I'm fine." I repeated to myself. I saw Kaitlyn and lost it.

I attacked her and threw her against the door. I yelled and yelled until I couldn't hear myself anymore. I saw her on the ground and circled around her.  Crouching down I grabbed a handful of her hair and lifted her head up to face me. "You'll never be me."

I woke up to an annoying alarm. I didn't think much of the dream since it wasn't the first one I've had where I attacked someone close to me. After waking up from my nap I hurried to fix my hair and grabbed my favorite black hoodie. I walked down to the lobby and called for a cab.

- At the restaurant -

I waited for a couple of minutes until I saw Daniel walk in. "Hey what's up aj?" He said as he sat down. "Just glad you're here, I'm hungry dude." I joked.

"You look tired." I commented. "Morning workouts are really intense." He laughed. Wow okay.

The T-shirt and blue jeans look he has looks great on him. So casual, and it's weird not seeing him in.. you know undies, or wrestling gear. (I can't be the only one who thinks the Guys look funny in their gear).

Time passed and we were having a great time. I noticed that one point he started to flirt with me but I decided to save the flirting for the cameras. "You have a cute laugh." He commented.

"Who? Me? Oh please I do not." I took a long sip of my drink, but I couldn't stop laughing. I ended up spitting out my drink on my plate since I would've made a mess on the floor. "Oh my god I'm so sorry." I snorted. As if this couldn't get more embarrassing.

He leaned across the table and helped me clean myself up. I looked up at him and our eyes met. I inhaled deeply. "Thank you."

"You know I'm glad you invited me to this lunch." He started. "I don't think I would have ever had the guts to ask out someone as beautiful as you."

Would it have been a bad time this was only a friendly lunch?

"I'm pretty sure you got a thing going with the ladies in the locker room just like every other superstar." I joked. "So that's what you think?" He chuckled.

We looked at the time and both agreed it was time to hear back. We fought over who got to pay the bill, minutes of fighting and he won. "I'm the one who invited you, I should've paid." I argued. "Listen, I had a great time Aj. I wanted to thank you I haven't laughed like this in awhile." I tried so hard to hide my smile.

He called a cab for me and paid for my ride back. Before I got in the cab I gave him a goodbye hug, I could tell he didn't expect this. He gave me a kiss on the forehead and we went our separate ways.

~ a week later ~

Daniel and I have been seeing each other this whole week. We would grab lunch together, work out together, He even spent the night with a couple of the wrestlers at our hotel. We have gotten to be close friends throughout this week and honestly it makes me happy.

Kaitlyn and I drove to the next arena we had to go to. We always liked to show up earlier than everyone else because we get to choose what room we wanted. "So how's your man?" I rolled my eyes. "My friend is great, I'll let him know you asked." I replied with sass.

I thought about the dream I keep having about Kaitlyn, I always end up telling her she'll never be me. I again, shrugged it off as nothing.

For awhile I've been noticing Kaitlyn's attitude towards me. She's seem a bit more upset, disappointed even. I made my way to the girls locker room and got into my wrestling gear. Kaitlyn and I had a tag team match with Natalya and the Diva's champion Beth Phoenix. "Kaitlyn, I'm scared about this match." I confessed.

She turned to look at me. "Why? We're gonna do great as long as we work together." She smiled.

Our match was next and I just had a bad feeling about this. I kept getting lost in my thoughts, did I like Daniel?

The crew gave us the signal and Kaitlyn and I made our way to the entrance. We waited for my song to play, and made our way out.

As the match started Kaitlyn decided to go first. Kaitlyn and Natalya went at it in the ring. Soon, Kaitlyn cornered Natalya in our corner and I tagged myself in. I noticed that annoyed Kaitlyn a little. We worked together for the first few seconds then she let me be.

I controlled the match for a couple of seconds. I almost pulled off a wheelbarrow bull dog and saw the chance to pin her. She kicked out at two and realized I fucked up. Natalya did her sharpshooter submission and I tapped out right away.

As they celebrated Kaitlyn came up to me. "What the hell Aj? We could've had it." She got out of the ring and before I could get up Natalya locked in her sharpshooter.

Beth Phoenix yelled out "Its Cry time!" I groaned in pain. Beth put the microphone right next to me and told me to cry. This couldn't be happening. Natalya bent me more than before, she went all the way she could without snapping me in two. I screamed and cried out for Kaitlyn, someone, anyone.

Natalya and Beth stopped and I cried in the ring. When I had the chance I tried my best to walk out by myself. I went backstage and into the girls locker room. I grabbed all my stuff and packed up. I was fine for the night, the pain, the humiliation, everything.

I walked out and ran into Daniel. "Are you okay? Do you need a doctor?" He asked taking my bags for me. Down the hall I could here some referees call out for me, most likely to check on me. "I wanna go home." I was angry, upset and embarrassed.

Kaitlyn saw me and tried her best not to be seen. I walked towards her expecting her to at least feel sorry for me. "You asked for it."

"Are you kidding? You left me there in the middle of the ring with them! What kind of friend is that?" I shoved her. I saw cameraman's rushing towards us. "To hell with the damn cameras!" I yelled at them. "I'm not going to promise on keeping it PG here."

"Oh please." Kaitlyn muttered.

I felt Daniel put his arm around me, trying to calm me down. "We were going to lose anyway Kaitlyn, it's scripted!" I yelled. "God, Aj it's not even about the stupid match." She pushed me out her way and left. "I'll take you back to the hotel." 

I grabbed my bags and told Daniel I needed time alone. I called a cab and waited. The show was still going on, you could hear the music from outside the building, the fans screaming, the beautiful lights in the night. A few fans came by screaming asking for autographs and pictures from time to time.

I thought about my job, my friends, my love life. I loved my job, it's been my dream to be here, I just lost my best friend and my love life is a literal joke.

I'm actually falling for someone who my boss picked out, I mean what is this? I don't need anyone, I'm good off on my own.

And I'm going to prove it.

First Love ; Dean Ambrose x AJ LeeWhere stories live. Discover now