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Aj Lee POV

"So what's the damage?" I asked the doc as he finished his examination. "Everything looks good here, your bruising seems to be fine, there's no redness or swelling." He said as he discarded his gloves.

"Have you been resting like I said?" He asked with a strict look on his face. "Yes I have, trust me my friends haven't been letting me do anything." I sighed. "I just started to get really sore and achy one day, it's gotten better but I was also concerned about it."

"Well yes it's only natural you had a pretty nasty hit to your abdomen and since your not going to the gym and using your body as much, your body's just not used to it." He explained. "Have you been in any form of stress lately?" He asked with another one of his looks.

"Something like that." I mumbled.

"April when I meant get some rest, not only did I mean your body getting rest I meant mentally as well."

We were interrupted by a knock on the door. "Come in." The doctor answered.

"Good morning! We heard you were in the building." Hunter entered the room with a bouquet of flowers. "How's she doing?"

"She seems fine, bruising looks normals though she came in cause she was feeling achy all over but I've already explained to her that it's completely normal." The doc summed it all up for Hunter, but as usual he couldn't wait five minutes before asking about work. "So no in ring matches yet?"

"I won't clear her till next week." He said shrugging his shoulders. "Alright, can you just give April and I moment please?" Hunter asked politely. As the Doc left, hunter sat in front of me and began talking business.

"So there have been quite a few changes with your storyline with Ziggler, but first I want to tell you something relating to your injury." My heart sank.

"What do you mean?" I asked a little worried. "I spoke to the ref in charge of your match with brie Bella and he had basically told me the same exact thing Seth and you were saying."

Oh thank god, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "Okay- um what's that gotta do with anything?" I asked a little more concerned now.

"Well for the time being both bellas have been suspended, have lost all opportunities for title matches any time soon, it's just something I wanted you to know." Hunter sounded so sincere at the time, but I feel it in my gut that something bad was coming for this. "What they pulled off was not only childish and petty but dangerous. I know that if they would've been in your place they would've wanted you to stop after asking you to do so."

"Tough luck." I heard Nikki's words as he mentioned that.

"Now for tomorrow night, I'm completely aware that you can't compete so we made a few changes for the time being." He said adjusting himself. Great.

"As you know we have moved The Slammys up for many superstars and we figured that we could start the storyline there."

"With dolph?" I asked confirming the topic. "Yes."

"As you know this type of segment is usually just for fun, so you'll be receiving a kiss of the year reward, obviously they will show you, and cena.." he trailed off.

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