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Today was our 1st anniversary. Charlie and I are dating for already a year. This morning he promised to come home early and I did too. I arrived home first and so I decided to make dinner and prepare some surprises. I planned it to be simple, a romantic dinner, movies and cuddles.

It was already 10pm and still hasn't arrive. I called him multiple times but his phone was probably off. I waited for him, the food will be just heated when he will arrive and if we are not sleepy then movies. I waited on the couch scrolling down my Instagram. Nothing new. I sighed. Appenrently I fell asleep.

*1 am*

I woke up and looked at the time. 1am. Great! I called Charlie's name in the house maybe he arrived. But no. He wasnt still in the house. Where could he be?! I called him but there's was no answer.

I decided to go upstairs to sleep. I put the food in the refrigerator. After I proceeded upstairs in our room.

Did he forget?

Tears keep falling from my eyes. I can't believe Charlie would do that to me. Maybe he has extended work. Ugh! As I was about to close my eyes, I heard the door open. That must be him. But I heard giggling, what?! I slowly went downstairs to see what the giggled are. I stepped on the last stair as I see Charlie on top of somebody else.  Tears began to roll on my cheek.

I went to them and slapped them both. The girl hurriedly slipped on her clothes and went outside. Charlie on the other hand was giving me a glare.

"What the fuck did you just do?!"he shouted "Excuse me?!, I am your girlfriend and today is OUR fucking ANNIVERSARY! You PROMISED to come home EARLY! And what do I get, you coming home with a slut 1am in the morning!"I shouted back "Well maybe it simply means that I don't want US anymore"he shouted. I froze with his words. I stormed upstairs and locked the door. I cried so hard. My heart just hurts so much. I know he is drunk, but it's really painful that he doesn't care about me, us anymore.

He came in with keys and laid on the bed. He didn't say anything to me, not saying sorry or looking at me. Like I was invisible to him. I quickly pack my stuff and went downstairs. I called my bestfriend y/f/n.

Friend: Hello?
Me: Hey can I go there?
Friend: what?! It's 2am
Me: Charlie and I fought, I'll tell you later
Friend: Omggg are you ok?! Ok come here
Me: Thanks, I'm fine
Friend: ok be careful

I hung up and drove to her flat. I knocked at her door and she quickly opened it. I had tears falling again, it hurts. She hugged me tightly. "Y/n come inside, tell me please"she said and I told her everything. She comforted me and we went straight to bed. There is a spare room in her flat so I slept there.


I got a text from Charlie


Charlie's POV
I woke up and my head hurts. Ow! I turned to see Y/n but she was not there!? Oh god! I looked around the house but still she wasn't there. "Y/n?! Where are you?!"I called then I realized that yesterday was our 1st anniversary. Fuck! But she would forgive, I came home late and I dont know why...shit!

I texted her

Babe where are you?! Please come back where ever you are!! I dont know what happened but I'm sincerely sorry for whatever I've done...please, baby💚

I waited for response, nothing! I cried on the floor thinking what to do! I just lost her! She was my everything....she left. I really dont know what happened!!!

I cried and stared at his text. Maybe, there was a part of him last night that really wanted US to be gone. Negative thoughts run in my mind.

"Y/n? Let's eat breakfast"y/f/n knocked "Uhhhh, I'll be out"I replied "Are you ok?"she asked "Yeah"I said. I wiped my tears and washed my face. Why is this happening to me? I went straight downstairs and smiled fakely at y/f/n. We ate and she gave me advices what to do. I decided to go to Charlie. I will talk to him, tell him what happened and leave.

Y/f/n insisted to drop me and told me to leave my things at her's for awhile. I knocked on the door, no response. The door was unlock so I went inside. I see broken glasses everywhere. It was a complete mess. "Charlie?"I called. I went directly upstairs to hear soft crying. I opened our bedroom and see more mess. Pillows everywhere and the some things scattered. I walked to the bathroom and see Charlie crying leaning on the wall, closing his eyes. "Charlie?"I whispered. He looked up at me, his eyes were so puffy and red, his face was full of expressions of guilt and pain. He got up and hugged me so tight.

"Y/n I am so so so sorry for what what I have done, I'm soory too that I dont know what it is but please. I know I came home late but I dont know what happened. Please, forgive me. I dont know what to do without you please! Y/n I love you so so much please! Baby!"he cried hard "Charlie I came here to tell you what you have done, but I dont know if I will continue this relationship"I said and his face dropped. "I understand but tell me"he whispered "Ok so, last night I prepared wveything for our anniversary. It was really simple, a romantic dinner, movies and more snacks. I waited for many hours, I slept on the couch waiting for you. I woke up and it was 1am but you still weren't there. I went upstairs to sleep cuz we can still move it the next day and I thought it was because of your work. When I was about to close my eyes I heard the door open and some giggling. I went downstairs and"I said but stopped because I cried and Charlie was waiting for me. "I saw you on top of a girl, I screamed at you both and the girl went away. And you got mad at me for that and you litterally said that you dont want US anymore. You said so many things and it made my heart shatter. I went upstairs and cried you walk in and just laid on the bed, not saying anything. I was invisible to you. And so I went to y/f/n flat with my things and slept there"I said choking my words. He stood shocked and he cried. "I'm so sorry Y/n, I didnt know what I did was so much than I expected"he cried. I nooded and got all my things. "Please give me one more chance, y/n, baby"he asked "I dont know"I murmmured "I will do anything, I was drunk please"he pleaded.

What will I do? Does he deserve a chance? Will I forgive him? I love I will.

"Charlie, I..." and he looked down "I love you"was all I said. He looked up and kissed me. I kissed him back. "Promise me you'll never do that again"I said "Promise"he said. He hugged me so tight. "Thank you y/n for giving me a chance"he said and I nodded. "But always remember I love you so much, I cant live without you"he said and I kissed him again.

I unpacked but he stopped me. "Keep packing, we're going to London"he said "What?!"I asked shocked "Yeah, for you"he smiled and I run to him and hugged him. "Thank you!!!!"I shrieked "Anything for my baby"he said as he kissed my head.

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