Drunk text (part 3)

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Uhm...I uh

Just wait there...

Oki...I aM sTanDing herE

*10 mins later*

You walk in the bar where he always goes. There are many people and it's crowded. You squeeze so you can find Charlie. Then you decided to text him...

Babe, where are you?

iN da Bar, dUhhh

Ugh... I'm in the bar already, were exactly are you???

The you heard someone say "Right behind you". You turned and saw Charlie smiling with his hands tucked in his pockets. Suddenly the music stops and people made space so basically you both are in the middle with people watching. "Y/n, I am not drunk"Charlie stated with a laugh. "Oh, Hahahaah"you said "Today, I am standing in front of you in a bar, this is where we met which was 3 years ago. When you walked in my world changed and I couldn't keep my eyes off you. We became friends then always hang out. Then one day you were mine. But today, is just another step. I know this place isn't proper to do this but, Will you marry me?"he asked you kneeling down. You had tears forming in your eyes. "And I was pretending to be drunk earlier and I was really serious bout the question"he added. You squealed and hugged him. He stopd up and kissed you. "So I take that as a yes?"he asked smirking and you screamed yes.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2018 ⏰

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