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Kim Soo Mi's POV

"I thought the beef got grounded literally because you were taking too long." Mom chuckled at the joke she made.

Placing the plastic of meat inside the cart, I answered, "Sorry. A bunch of youngsters were cutting through the line."

"Well, that's not nice. They should have manners." She agreed and continued on the aisle of biscuits I could eat as snacks during recess.

"As the pun says, educated people are hotter." I told her, pushing the cart beside her.


"Because they got more degrees." I winked at her and she laughed so hard at my pun, getting the attention of many shoppers as well. I shushed her then she finally calmed down.

"Oh my goodness. Don't you think you should do that more often?" Mom suggested.

"Why should I?" I asked.

Mom smirked, "Because it's your res'pun'sibility."

We both erupted into fits of laughter. While we were shopping, we didn't stop throwing dad jokes at each other, which is a good thing because grocery shopping is tiring and boring.

After what felt like forever, Mom and I are finally at the cashier paying for all the groceries and I sat on a nearby bench to wait for her.

I was playing a game on my phone when someone tapped my right shoulder and I looked but no one was there. I turned to my left and there was BTS again with their black face masks on.

"Some of you should just wear hoodies instead of face masks. You're attracting too much attention." I stated the obvious.

They snickered at my suggestion and just agreed to make me feel better. "Whatever, we just want to tell you we're heading out first. Just saying our goodbyes, you know." Namjoon put his hand at the back of his neck in nervousness. The other members seemed scared around me too but they nodded their heads at me.

My face was blank, "Oh, alright. Annyeong. Take care, all of you. Just say HI to Taehyung for me." I waved them off and they finally left me in peace.


"Gosh, I'm tired. Why don't we rest for awhile." Eomma wiped her sweat with the back of her hand and slumped down on our comfy sofa in the living room. I sat down with her and gave her a glass of cold water to freshen herself.

"Thanks, honey." She had it empty in 4 gulps which really surprised me. "By the way, I saw you earlier with 6 boys around you. Did they do anything to you? They were all wearing black face masks."

I slightly jumped at her question and just replied honestly, "Umm, it was actually BTS, the youngsters I was talking about earlier who were cutting in the line. They just came to apologize so no worries, Eomma." I patted her shoulder in assurance and she nodded her head.

She grinned mischievously, "My baby's dream is coming true! How does it feel talking to your idols huh?"

I blushed a deep red, "It's cool. I just don't want to seem like a trying hard obsessive saesang when I'm around them. I'm really lucky they got to know me though."

She gave me a hug and I did it back, "Always remember not to get yourself hurt okay? I don't want your heart to be broken by idols with handsome looks. You'll never know they might be play boys or something."

I hit her lightly on her arm, "Mom! They're not like that okay?"

She raised her hands in surrender, "Alright, fine." Mom stood up and headed upstairs to sleep for the afternoon.

The next second, my phone beeped a message.

From: Tae Tae ❤


I got confused on why his number was in my contact list. Ahhh, maybe he sneaked it in while I wasn't looking.

To: Tae Tae ❤

Yeah, you weren't there tho. 😂 Too bad. 😛

I giggled to myself because I was enjoyed teasing him and waited for his response.

From: Tae Tae ❤

Ugh damn it T___T they left me alone at the hotel while I was sleepiiiiing.

Before I could type my come back answer, he called.

"Are you mad at them?" I chuckled at him and could hear he was irritated at the other end.

"I could have seen you today! I got nothing to do here and I can't leave because the hotel key is with Jin-hyung." He groaned in frustration as I continued to laugh at him.

"We always see each other in school anyway so don't be such a grumpy kid there." I assured him and he became quiet.

His tone became serious, "I just realized...your voice sounds like an angel over the phone. I can never get tired of hearing it."

"St..Stop that. Those words don't work on me." It was supposed to be in a commanding tone but it turned out squeaky.

He chuckled deeply, melting my ears, "It worked when we still didn't know each other though. You're such a tsundere."

There was a moment of silence between us. It was a comfortable one too. Being in this state together was peaceful for us. We just hear each other's calm breathing and think of what to say next. This was the kind of person I want to be with.

"Soo Mi?" He called out in a whisper.

"Yes, Taehyung?"

"I miss you a lot."

I pursed my lips and opened them again, taking a deep breath. We are friends for a few months now. It's fine to say it back right? It's not like I'm saying 'I love you'.

"I miss you too, Kim Taehyung."


A/n: Annyeong! It's a double update! I got nothing to do anyway. 😧😧 I'm on vacation for five months because college doesn't start till August so YEY! I can't wait to be a freshman.

I think I can finish this book this month if I keep updating regularly (every 2-3 days). I hope y'all are enjoying the story! Please vote or comment if you like it! I wanna know what's in your minds. 😉

Thank you for your support!



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