(20) - The truth

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It's finally Monday and I decided to lock myself in Jisung's room as always. I need my time alone in order for me to figure it out of how to solve my own problem.

Well.. maybe I don't want to lock myself all day and stucked in this freaking room forever without getting a fresh air at the veranda. I would die without seeing the brightest sun and lacking of oxygen.

Since I'm talking about my own problem, how's Jaehwan and Daniel doing right now? I'm curious and cared about them too, you know. Even though, at the meantime, I'm still awkward with them. God damn it!

Jisung oppa would call me when it's time for lunch and dinner because foods come first, why not? Strangely, I barely take my breakfast nowadays and just a glass of water would be enough already for me? Mahn... did I change my personality too?

Some of you might be curious of what I've actually doing this entire week by locking myself in this room. Mostly, I spent my time on games, kdramas, fangirling and SNS.

I know it's bad for my health that my brain wouldn't functioning very well now as I'm not even active doing sports - or even, I'm too lazy to do one.

Jihoon always spammed me throught texts. It's not just some shitty simple texts, it's more about he was worried of my conditions right now. Sometimes, he could be so cringy which I can't hold it any longer.

'Jisu, are you okay?'

'Can you even survive in that freaking room?'

'Could you please go out, once? Others were worried especially Linlin here. But no worry he has me by his side ;')'

'Where's my angel? I'm lonely TT'

'Where's the sexy Jisu that I used to know?'

'Shall we dance, beautiful? So that your freaking brain cells could cooperate. ;')'

Those are some of his texts. Eww.. some were too cringy but I know he felt lonely without me. Both of us were making bonds now but I ended just like that? Damn!

I'll reply his cringy texts later.

He was mentioning about Linlin. How's he doing? That genius maknae really my favourite - doesn't mean the others were not my favorite. Don't get me wrong.

Oh! Did I forget that he usually had my phone number? Well.. that adorable Honey Bear Jihoon gave it to him. You shouldn't give it to him just like that.


But since he wanted it for games purposes - of course other issues were matter - I just let him be for the sake of this Edward Lai.

My phone's battery always running out too quickly due to games because Guanlin just can't stop inviting me to join. Guanlin, I need rest! If I ignored his request, it makes me totally a bitch and it's rude so I just let it be. This Linlin never stop his cuteness in order to win my heart lol.

Jisung's POV

It's been a week after we're back from Jeju and my dongsaeng just don't want to get out from my fucking room! It's not that I'm mad, I'm just too worried.

I should tell my members the truth behind Jisu's cold attitude - I should! For the sake of everybody in this dorm especially Daniel and Jaehwan. They should know why Jisu needs time to think about the relationship. I don't want to see her suffering like this ever again and don't let the history repeated itself.


"Oppa, I think I knew what I have to do first in order to stop my anxiety with the opposite gender." She suggested with her cold tone. The chilly breeze at our grandparents' rooftop makes me shivered more with her scary cold voice from her throat.

[C] Living with Wanna OneOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz