The Purple Lion - Chapter Seven

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A/N: Hi! Sorry the last one was a little short. This is the time when you find your Lion! This is the time you hit a bunch of Galra. This is the time I start the stupid chapter already.



"Oh no." I said, looking around at everyone.

"All right let's not panic." Shiro says, everyone turning to him.

"Not panic? The scary purple alien thing is driving his battle ship toward us. We only have four lions." Hunk exclaimed.

"Technically, only three working lions." Pidge butted in, not really helping calm down Hunk.

"That's right. Thank you, Pidge." Hunk patted Pidges shoulder. "Three working lions and a castle that's, like, 10,000 years old."

"Actually, it's 10,600 years old. You, see it was built by my grandfather--" Coran added.

"Thanks, Coran. Thank you for that. See? Now is the perfect time to panic!"

"Wait! This castle has a partial barrier we can activate." Allura said.

"Girl, you've already activated my par--" Lance started.

"Shut it, Lance!" I shouted, covering his mouth with my hand.

"The partial barrier won't hold Sendak's ion cannon forever. Galra technology must have advanced since we fought them last." Coran explained.

"They have a cannon! Well that's unfair." I muttered, crossing my arms.

"Panic now?" Hunk asked Shiro.

"No. We've just got to figure out our plan of action, and figure it out quickly."

"I say we pop through a worm hole and live to fight another day." Lance suggested.

"I second that. Yes. We tried to find all of the lions, right? We gave it the old collage try. Couldn't do it. We only have three. We can't form Voltron. I guess we could form a snake. Or a worm! To go through that hole, Lance, that you were talking about." Hunk blabbed to Lance.

"Then, it's settled. Allura, [Y/N], you can ride with me. One of you take the old guy." I backed away from Lance, not wanting to experience his piloting again.

"We can't just abandon Arus. The Galra will keep destroying planets and capturing prisoners until we stop them." Pidge said, I nodded in agreement.

"Okay. If we run, then maybe Sendak will follow us and leave this planet alone, like when we left Earth.
We form the snake-worm thingamajig and we-- out of here." Hunk imitates as snake and wiggles his arms.

"We can't risk it. Sendak could destroy this planet then come after us." I say.

"Staying is our only option." Keith said, I jumped realising he was behind me.

"Here's an option: shut you quiznak." Lance snapped at Keith. Allura and Coran looked horrified at Lance. Quiznak mustn't be a nice word in Altean.

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