Hunk's Gotta Girlfriend(Part Three) - Chapter 22

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A/N:Hi, guess who's back from the dead. Just wanted to thank you all since this story has reached 27K! :3
Now to la story.

[Y/N]'s POV

"Where do they get all these robots from?!" I shouted through the coms.

"It doesn't matter where it came from, we need to destroy it before it hurts the Balmera." Shiro shouted.

The robot had quite a weird design. It had long red arms, a thin waist and flat panelled legs. It looked a little like a Ben 10 monster. (A/N: Do you remember that show?)

Suddenly it blasted green lasers at us. We all dogged, barely escaping them. It shot out lasers on different parts of its body.

"Shiro, I'm not sure we will be able to get close enough to the robot!" Pidge yelled whilst dodging another laser.

"Let's draw it's attention upwards so it doesn't damage the Balmera." Every one obeyed Shiro's orders as we flew up. But as my Lion was trying to get out higher the robot locked onto me and shot a laser, making me jolt forwards. As I put my hands out to steady myself, I accidentally pressed a button.

"Uh, what button did I press?" I muttered while scanning the button... Oh for the love of God. "I PRESSED THE EJECT BUTTON! I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW THERE WAS AN EJECTION BUTTON!"

Numbers appeared on my screen counting down from five.


"Y/N, why are you yelling?" Shiro asked.


"Y/N?" Pidge and Lance asked at the same time.


"Where you shot?" Hunk questioned at he bumped his lion into Keith's.


"Y/N? Answer us! Are you okay?!" Keith shouted through the coms.


"Why in hell is there a stupid ejection button?"

Ejection commencing

My seat sprung up and I was catapulted out of a hole in my Lions head. As I realised I was, you know, falling to my death, I decided to do something so I would be a little less dead. Long story short, I chose the blackout option.

I woke up to hear yelling through the coms and the sound of lasers going everywhere. I coughed a little and got up gradually, my back was aching and my head was pounding. I looked up to see everyone fighting off the robot, which has even more lasers than before. Then I saw my lion just flying around doing some flips. sighing, I shook my head at just how much the Lion was like me.

I saw that I was just next to some mountains so I had no way of climbing up them. The robot was blocking my path to Allura's castle and the Balmerians, so all in all, I'm as useless as baby.

"Guys how are you holding up?" I asked dusting myself off.

"Y/N what happened? You where shouting something and then you made your lion do tricks instead of fighting." Shiro asked, worry apparent in his voice.

"Haha, yeah, about that. I pushed the ejection button by accident and now I'm on the ground."

"I'll come and get you." Keith shouted starting to direct his lion to me.

"No you won't. If you come down here the robot might hit the Balmera. Stay up there, the others need you. I'll get to the castle somehow." I directed as everyone agreed with my plan. Although Keith was a little resilient at first because he felt the need to come rescue me.

I looked around to try and find anything that could get me around the robot without being seen. Nothing was useful, just dirt and rocks.

"Y/N! Get out of there!" Pidge shouted.

I looked up to see the robot locked on to me. Sweat beaded my face as I tried to think of something but nothing came to mind. As the the robot shot its laser I closed my eyes and braced for impact... But it never came.

I looked up again to see clear crystals surrounding me. I blinked slowly registering that I almost got blasted into a million pieces. My knees buckled and I fell to the ground as I sobbed. It was so scary, if it wasn't for these crystals it would be raining me.

I stood up and sighed before the ground beneath me shook. A crystal pillar formed underneath me lifting me up high. Then the crystals turned into a slide.

"Well guess I have no choice." I said as I jumped on the slide as it stretched out past the robot. As the slide ended I fell onto the floor.

"Greetings Y/N." I got up and looked at the person who spoke to me. It was Shea.

"Hi Shea." I groaned as I stretched. Suddenly Shea grabbed my wrist and pulled me over to the castle.

"Princess Allura needs you." Shea said as we reached a circle of Balmerians around Allura. They moved so I could walk up to the princess.

"Just relax and focus your energy." Allura spoke in a dazed tone. I obeyed and closed my eyes, focusing on the Balmera.

My body tingled as I felt energy slowly drain from my body. It became tiring after only 5 minutes but I kept going. Me and Princess Allura were in a state of complete ignorance and bliss. Soon the sound of cheering slowly filled my ears as I was brought back to reality.

"Y/n." I opened my eyes a little as I saw two white blobs, one with black and one with red.

"Y/n can you hear me?" My eye shot open as I sat up straight. I looked around at the once barren planet, now thriving with crystals.

"WHO? WHAT? WHERE?" I shouted as Shiro placed his hand on my back.

"Careful now. It's just Shiro and Keith." Shiro said gently. Keith helped me get on my feet with just one hand but I lost my balance and stumbled into him.

"Woah, you okay?" He asked holding my hand still.

"No. I'm tired as hell." I muttered not moving away from Keith's chest. I looked at him to see he was blushing a little. "Someone's blushing~"

"Y/n!" Keith hissed in a hushed tone. Suddenly I stood back grinning widely.

"Hahaha! I was just kidding. Now I need a nap. I'll just nap right here." I mumbled falling back into Keith again.

"Y/n get up. What's wrong with her?" Keith asked Shiro who shrugged.

"Allura fainted but quickly recovered. I guess y/n is a little weaker than the princess." Shiro explained. I felt Keith pick me up bridal style, sighing a little.

"She'll recover quickly, he just needs rest." It was the old lady. From before we started to fight the robot thingy. Do you remember her? If not that's rude, she is quite important to the story! Sheesh, show some respect next time.

"Yeah! She's right." I agreed pointing to the lady. "Just take me to bed and I'll be as right as... I'll be as right as... Goodnight." I passed out in Keith's arms, snoring louder than I'd like to admit.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A/N: HOW GOOD WAS SEASON 7? It was one big rollercoaster and loved it! We finally met Lance's family, Adam and a bunch more that I was waiting for the whole time! I'd like to thank you all for getting this book to 24K! I seriously just wrote this book for fun but the recognition of this book was better than I ever thought! :3 Well, that's all I have to say. Byeeeeeeee

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