I Knew It! - Chapter Seventeen

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A/N: Guys! This book has over 1k reads! Like, seriously it is hard to keep up with you. I will keep updating whenever I can. Enjoy!
[F/S]~ Favourite Song


Me and Hunk were on our way to a room full of spare parts, which Coran helped us find. An awkward silence hung in the air, the only sound was our footsteps echoing through the corridor.

"Hunk? Are you OK? You freaked out a little back there." I asked hoping to make Hunk a bit better. He sighed, not looking at me, and kept walking.

"I'm sorry [Y/N]. I... I'm just worried about Shay. Also these people are making me feel weird." Hunk sighed, I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Hunk, that's sweet of you to be worried about Shay and her people but we will save them. I promise." I reassured him and we were outside the room we were looking for.

"Thank you. However I feel like we are wasting our time on these aliens."

"Well the robot is cute. Apart from that, I don't really trust them either." I admitted as I picked up a box filled with tools and parts. Me and Hunk walked back to Rolo's ship, the box was pretty heavy for me. Before we went outside I went into my room and grabbed my headphones. As we reached the others Hunk looked up and sighed before I heard a loud bang. I looked up and saw Lance blast away in his blue lion, probably with Nyma. I heard the others mumble in annoyance then Hunk turned to me.

"I'll do this side. Are you okay with fixing the the other side?" Hunk asked.

"Sure." I walked over to the other side of the ship and opened up the door. "How is the engine damaged but not the outside?" I mumbled under my breath before putting my headphones on, listening to music helped me focus. I played [F/S] and hummed to it as a twirled a hammer in my hand before getting to work.

I was finishing up when I felt a hand on my shoulder, I glanced at the hand which was purple. Rolo said something but I couldn't hear him over my music so I shrugged. All of a sudden he grabbed both my hands, put them behind my back and cuffed me. I shook my head so my headphones fell around my neck.

"Oi! What are you--" He put his hand over my mouth and dragged me into the ship whist I struggled. Once he removed his hand and threw me into the corner, I shouted at him.

"What the hell man? Is this a joke? Cause it's not funny!" I shouted.

"Calm down. Nyma will call me soon. Then we will go on a little trip." He laughed as he started the ship. I got to my feet and rushed to the window. Everyone was outside, then Hunk looked up at me.

"Hunk! Help! He's going to--" Rolo put his hand back over my mouth. Hunk started shouting as Rolo quickly put me back in my corner and flew off a little ways from the others before he stopped. Nyma hopped into the ship as Rolo picked up the Blue Lion. I looked down the hatch to see Lance tied to a tree.

"Lance!" I shouted he looked up with a worried expression.

"[Y/N]? Hang on, I'll get the others...somehow." Lance yelled back to me as Rolo blasted out of the atmosphere.

"Lance! Why are you taking Blue? And you just left Lance there! Oh, if I wasn't in cuffs..." I growled as Nyma bent down next to me but I turned my face away from her. She grabbed my chin and forced me to look at her in the eyes.

"She has got to be worth something to Zarkon. I can tell she has some sort of power." She stated as she got up and walked over to Rolo.


I hummed to myself getting bored, so I decided to lean on the Blue Lions forcefield. I felt him pur which made me feel calmer. I hope everyone gets here quick. Blue talked to me, sort of, and I felt really weird. My hands burned as I bit my lip trying not to scream in pain, then there was a flash of purple light and the cuffs disappeared. I got up about to get Rolo and Nyma, I didn't want to attack the cute robot, when the ship jolted. I fell backward onto Blues barrier.

"Sorry Blue." I whispered. Rolo looked back at me.

"How did you get out of the cuffs?" He asked, I just stood there before shrugging.

"I dunno." I got my Bayards out and they turned into throwing knives. "Now let's dance."

Nyma came at me and pulled out a little knife and I let her pin me to the wall.

"Now that's a cute little knife." I cooed. She gave me an angry glare as she held the knife to my throat.

"Don't talk or you'll get it." She threatens, I just laughed.

"I don't think I am going to 'get it'." I joked. "Go on then. I'm talking... So, kill me." I teased, that shocked her and it gave me my chance. I kneed her in the stomach and she doubled over. I kicked her into the wall opposite me and threw my knives at her. They caught into her clothes and pinned her to the wall. This distracted Rolo as I saw Red fly in front of us and shoot at the ship. I pressed a button as the door opened, me and Blue got sucked out into sapce. I held my breath as I floated toward the Blue Lion, then I heard a roar and I got eaten by [L/N]. I got on my seat and breathed out and in for a little while.

"Thanks [L/N]. Who's a good lion? You are!" I patted the wall as I held into my controls and flew off to the castle. Everyone got the Blue Lion in the castle and attached Rolos ship to us. I got out of my Lion and Pidge ran at me, giving me a massive hug.

"You're okay! Thank God you're okay!" She yelled down my ear by accident. I patted her back as she backed up.

"It's fine. I just got kidnapped, almost got sold to the Galra and almost killed twice in a couple of hours." I said sarcastically. Pidge and Hunk ran up to me and hugged me tightly. After that Keith walked up to me and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"[Y/N]... They didn't do anything bad to you? No cuts or bruises?" He asked in a worried tone.

"I almost got decapitated but Nyma was too afraid to actually kill me. Then I pinned her to the wall with my knives... Oh! That's what I forgot, my knives." I put my hand up and focused on my knives, then they zoomed through the lions airlock and found their way to my hands.

We got back to the moon and put the ship back on the ground. I was pissed at the two aliens and cute robot, they were going give me to the Galra. I hung out in my room and listened to my music. I was going through Instagram to see if it would work. Nothing. I need my funny videos! I need my memes. I wonder if there is a new one. I missing out on new memes! Noooooo!


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