Give Us A Break (Part One) - Chapter Nine

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A/N: Hello there! I just wanted to say I don't own the picture above, sooooo enjoy!
[F/S]~ Favourite Song.
[L/N]~Lion's Name


Once I got a shower and was given my clothes back, I was shown where I was going to sleep. I put my bag onto my bed and unpacked. There was a desk in my room so that's were I put most of my stuff. Once I was finished I got into some pajamas Allura lent me, it was some grey shorts and a [F/C] tank top. I jumped onto my bed and closed my eyes, I eventually fell asleep but woke up around an hour later. I fell asleep again but the samething happened.

I can't sleep. Maybe I should train, is there a training deck? I'll go and ask the Princess... If she's awake.

I sighed and got changed into my armour, grabbed my two bayards and my headphones, and made my way to the control room. I had modified my headphones Bluetooth range, I could get a connection from anywhere in the castle, cool right? I put my headphones on, put on [F/S] and held my helmet under my arm. I hummed the tune and soon started to dance. My hips swayed and my feet skipped along, however I didn't notice I was right outside Keith's room when I started singing.

Keith's POV

I was sitting on my bed cleaning my knife, when suddenly I heard a noise. Someone was singing right outside my room, it was a girl-like voice so it is either [Y/N] or Lance. I opened my door and stuck my head out of it. It was [Y/N], she was a little ways down the corridor by now, her hips were moving to a non-existent beat. I saw the headphones on her head but she turned the corner before I could talk to her.

Her voice is amazing, the way the words just rolled off of her tongue and... Am I falling for her? Nah...

I sat back down and got my knife out again when an alarm went off. I jumped up, grabbed my jacket and ran to the bridge. Once I got there I saw Shiro and [Y/N] in their armour. Pidge and Hunk followed after me. I stood next to [Y/N] and looked at Coran. He was yelling down the PA, he was saying that Allura's head had fallen off. I glaced at [Y/N] who was giggling as Rover flew around her. I, on the other hand, was pissed off. I crossed my arms glared them.

"Oh. Time!" Coran shouted, throwing his mic thing behind him.

"I guess this isn't an actual attack." Shiro said.

"And it's a good thing it wasn't because it took you... Coran?" Allura asked.

"Seventy-five degrees." Coran said, holding up a thermometer instead of a timer.

"I think that is my personal best." [Y/N] smirked, earning a laugh from Pidge and Hunk.

"Oh, sorry. No, this is a meat thermometer."

"However long it was, it was too long. You must always be ready to do battle with Zarkon. Look at you! Only [Y/N] and Shiro are in uniform. Keith, Pidge, Hunk where are your bayards? And where is Lance?" Allura asked, then the door opened to reveal Lance wearing Lion slippers, pajamas and his face was super shiny.

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