Keith, Lance And Me - Chapter Nineteen

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A/N: Sorry for not updating recently. Here is your new chapter! Enjoy! :3



"After I saw Shay's people enslaved, it made me realise how bad Zarkon really is. And we're the only ones who can stop him." Hunk said in a voice filled with sorrow but also determination.

"Okay, so we can't go into the tunnels guns blazing." Shiro started.

"Oh come on!" Me and Keith growled, we both love using force, so when we have to play it safe... It pissed us off.

"Plan B. We figure out how to draw the Galra up to the surface and battle them out there." Shiro continued I walked to Pidge and leaned on her shoulder, yawning a little.

"I know. If we attack all of this big mining stuff on the surface, the Galra troops will have to come out and defend it." Hunk said, smiling at the thought of saving his girlfriend and her people.

"Then we come beat them up, head down the tunnels, Voltron saves the day!" I exclaimed, throwing my hands in the air.

"How will we know how many are left in the tunnels?" Keith asked as I frowned and lowered my arms a bit.

"We can track the Galra and the Balmerans using Biothermal Life Indicator Point Technology." Allura said as she brought up a hologram of the BLIP tech. Me and Pidge ran over to the hologram, she adjusted her glasses and I put my face as close as humanly possible to it.

"BLIP tech!" Me and Pidge exclaimed. Allura looked confused and Pidge gave her a sideward glance, I giggled and stood up straight.

"It's an acronym." I stated as Pidge straightened up too.

"One of you will need to fly around the Balmera and drop sensors into the shafts on each side." Allura continued. "Then we'll be able to see where the Galra and Balmerans are. There are already sensors built into your suits."

"I can do it. I just modified the Green Lion with the invisible maze's cloaking ability. I should be able to fly around unnoticed." Pidge said as I patted her on the shoulder.

"You are a genius, little sis." I said proudly. "I also did that." I added with a smirk.

"Which one of you will do it?" Allura asked. Me and Pidge looked at each other and I made up my mind.

"Pidge, you can take this one." I bowed down sarcastically, Pidge giggled and did the same.

"Thank you [Y/N]!" Pidge exclaimed as we both stood up. The big smile on her face made me feel happy yet upset at the same time.

"That's their main power generator. If you take that down it will severely weaken their defences." Coran snapped me out of my little trance and I looked at the screen which showed a massive black and purple device on the surface of the Balmera.

"We'll stay in cloud cover and give tactical support. With the Castle's defences weakened from Sendak's crystal, we won't be of much help to you." Allura explained.

"I'll take out the power generator. Keith, [Y/N], Lance, Hunk, you take out these big mining rigs around the area." Shiro instructed as I nodded in agreement.

"Yeah! Okay, let's do this!" Hunk shouted, punching the air with his fists.

"Let's go kick some alien butt!" I yelled, punching the air too. As the ship entered the atmosphere of the Balmera, we all got into our armour and lions.

~~~~Coms Time~~~~

Lance: You think the Balmerans will have a parade for us after we've freed everybody?

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