Christmas By Daylight - Chapter 25

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A/n: Hi guys, hope you have a wonderful Christmas!!!!! (If you don't celebrate Chirstmas then I hope you have a nice day anyway :3)

Pidge's POV

I was sleeping like a baby when a relentless droning started going off. I could tell it was coming from the Castle speakers.

I groaned and rolled out of bed. I saw a red stocking hanging from my door with a small candy cane poking out of it. Pidgeon was embroidered on it with green string.

"What is going on?"

A Few Hours Earlier

Y/n's POV

"I'M SO BORED!" I sat up in my bed and sighed. "Stupid insomnia."

I jumped out of bed and picked up my phone from my desk. I looked at the time... 11:00pm. I wasn't shocked this is still early for me. The I glanced at the date.

December 24.

"Wait. It's Christmas Eve!" I stood there shocked.

It's gonna be Christmas in an hour. BUT THERE'S NO CHRISTMAS STUFF!!! There's no presents, no tree, no lights, no dinner... NOTHING. I can't let this happen. I'll need to get some stuff.

I peaked out my door and looked both ways. No one was awake. I sneaked to a nearby storage closet. I saw some boxes stacked up so I took them and placed them in my room. They were filled with lights which was lucky.

I realised how much I needed to do in such little time so I quickly put together some helper robots. I programmed them to put the lights up around the castle. Whilst they did that I creeped into the lion hangers.

"Hey l/n." I whispered. L/n's eyes lit up and roared. "SHUSH!"

L/n stopped and opened it's mouth for me to enter.

"We have a very important mission." I said as I sat down.

"What is it?" L/n asked me.

"Umm. It's operation - Christmas By Daylight."

"Oh. Okay? Where do we need to go?"

"I... don't know." I sighed.

"What are you looking for? Maybe I can think of something."

"Presents, festive decorations and a tree."

L/n didn't respond for a minute or two before finally asking, "What about a nearby space mall. From reviews it's got a Earth store full of human culture."

"That will be perfect! Good job L/n."

I fired up the engines, then I realised I was being very loud, turned them down a little and slowly flew out of range of the ship.

Once we reached the mall, one complication stopped me from getting out.

"I have no money."

"You don't? I told you we were going to a mall."

"Yeah, I know but I have no... Space money."

"Ugh. Black's going to kill me for doing this but here you go."

A small slot appeared in the wall and out came a whole stack of money.

"Jeez. That should cover everything! Thanks again L/n."

"No problem. Just don't tell Black or Shiro."

"I won't, bye."

I ran out of L/n and into the mall. It looked like different aliens from all over the universe came here which I thought was fascinating.

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