Let Me Sleep! - Chapter 23

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A/N: I hate school. I hate it with a passion. It is hell.


Okay. I need to recap over what the fudge just happened. We saved the Balmera. I ejected myself out of my lion. I made the floor glow and grow crystals.

Now I wanna sleep. A lot.

"Hey y/n, are you alright?" I opened my eyes and looked up to see a pair of deep violet eyes.

"Not really. I'm still a little confused." I mumbled. I was still in Keith's arms, I must be passed out for only a couple of minutes. As he reached my room he gently put me down as I wobbled a little.

"You passed out after you did some magic or whatever." We both walked into the room. He leaned against the wall and I sat down on my bed.

"Oh, cool." I rubbed my eyes, I was almost fully awake now.

Keith's POV

"What do you think it was?" She asked while yawning. Her mouth opened wide and I could see almost every single one of her teeth. I realised her canines looked more sharp than a normal persons but I let it slide.

"Keith? You okay?" I realised I was staring so I looked away as I blushed.

"Y-yeah sorry." I stuttered. Idiot, now she's going to think your weird.

"Well? What do you think I did back there?" She stood up, now awake and back to her normal self.

"I seriously don't know. Allura did it too. Maybe you can ask her." I looked back at her and saw she was standing inches away from me.

"Oh. That's a clever idea. Why didn't I think of that?" She chuckled as she rubbed the back of her neck.

We both stood there as the tension grew inbetween us. She looked at her feet and I turned my head to the side. Maybe I should say something, anything.

"Uh, do you need a drink?" Her head snapped up at my question, strands of her h/c hair fell in front of her face.

"I'm alright. I have some coke in my backpack." She pointed her thumb over her shoulder to a f/ c backpack with some headphones poking out.

Y/n walked over to the bag and emptied out the contents. Headphones, notebook, phone, pencils, paints and some random snacks.

"Would you like a can?" She asked shoving one out behind her.

"Thanks." I walked over and grabbed one. It still has some condensation on it somehow.


"I love myself some coke." I said wiping my mouth with the back of my suits sleeves. I'm still in my battle gear. Might as well get changed.

"I'm gonna get changed, okay?" I asked taking off my boots.

"Oh, I leave." He started to turn around and I grabbed his arm.

"You can stay ya know. I'll get changed in the bathroom." I grabbed some new clothes; Big Bang Theory shirt which says 'I'm not crazy my mother had me tested' and some black joggers.

"You know what I just noticed? You always wear jackets. Whether it be leather, silk or cotton." He said as I just finished getting dressed. He must have seen my jackets hanging up.

I slammed open my bathroom door and looked at Keith. He was sitting down on my bed holding a knife in a cloth. Did he really just say that?!

"Holda, holda, hold up! You always wear a red cropped jacket so you can't say nothing!" I shouted, pouting and crossing my arms.

He just hummed in response putting the blade back into his pocket. He can be a little annoying some how but at the same time cute as a cat being friends with a teacup pig.

"Keith?" I asked sitting down next to him, making sure I didn't sit too close to him.

"Yeah." He said looking straight into my eyes.

"You never told me how you and Lance became 'rivals.'" I said, air quoting rival since only Lance really calls them rivals.

"To be honest..." I was almost jumping up and down on my bed in excitement. "He was just really fu-" he paused, almost as if he was uncomfortable cursing in front of me. "Fricking annoying."

"First off, I'm not a little baby! You can swear in front of me. And second of all... You just find him annoying?! No juicy background or nothin'!" I yelled at the huge anti-climax.

"I'm sorry for not being interesting enough?" He said sarcastically. I felt guilt rush through me even though it was sarcasm and I stood up.

"Ugh. I'm sorry Keith. I just love stories and I'm on edge, I guess. Please forgive me for being so disrespectful!" I begged.

"Calm down y/n. I forgive you. I think you need some more rest." He suggested. I replied with a nod and a little yawn.

Keith's POV

As she crawled into bed I found it hard to leave. The way she immediately fell asleep once her head hit the pillow. How she snores but not in an annoying way. A cute way.

As I was just about to leave I heard something.

"No." I turned to see y/n still sound asleep but nothing else.

"No!" It was y/n. She was sleep talking.

"Please don't!" She shifted in her bed as her nose wrinkled in frustration. What could see be dreaming about?

"Anything but the waffle." Waffle?

"It's an OREO WAFFLE! C'mon please don't. Stupid Turtle King." What. The. Hell. Turtle King?

"Thank you Turtle King! Now go back to your cloud of cotton candy. Oi! Waffle. Now." She looked as though she was about to kill someone but suddenly smiled and started to chew on her shirt.

I chuckled to my self as she stopped her little conversation. I sighed before I walked up to her and gently kissed her forehead.

"I wish I could just tell you how I feel." I whispered before I quietly left the room.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter but school Is literally killing me with homework. I have some important news that I would like to share with you guys. I have came out as Bisexual! I am finding this hard to write but I feel like I can trust you guys. I also wanted to thank you guys for the support I am getting on this book. Again I am so sorry for the massive wait and the short chapter but school Is just too much right now. That's all from me! Hope you enjoyed this chapter :3

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