Hunk's Gotta Girlfriend (Part 1) - Chapter Twenty

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A/N: Hiiiii! Look at the cute Hunk and Shay pic :3 I don't own it BTW. Okay I'll get on with the chapter now, enjoy!



As I was staring off into the distance thinking up of a lie, Allura contacted us.

"Paladins, are you there? The Galra troops are moving down the tunnels. It looks like they're going down toward the centre." Allura informed us, Lance and Keith's focus was off of me now. Few, that was close, I wonder how I knew that stuff.

"They must be heading to the core. That's where they're holding Shay." Hunk said through his com.

"They're drawing us into an ambush, but we don't have a choice of we want to save shay. We have to follow. Lance, [Y/N], Keith, get to the core. I think we're going to need everyone together to get through this fight. " Shiro instructed.

"Copy that. We're on our way." Lance replied as the boys got up, I used my sword to cut through the controls. We ran through the door and Lance shot the control panel so the robots couldn't get in. The boys navigated their way through the narrow tunnels as I trailed after them. A couple minutes of running later Pidge contacted us.

"Hey, team, be careful. The Balmera is very unstable." When Pidge finished we came face to face with some robots. Keith put his arm around my waist and dragged me over to cover as the robots started to fire.

"They're hurting the Balmera! We have to stop them." I said to the boys as the the Balmera shook and moaned in pain.

"Well, we can't shoot back. It'll just make it worse." Lance yelled, then I saw his eyes dart around the tunnel before his eyes came back to me and Keith. Then he pointed at Keith, then to the ceiling, made a finger gun toward the robots, pointed at his eyes then at the robots again.

I blinked at him in confusion and Keith shrugged as a sign of him not understanding Lance's gestures. Keith then turned around, his eyes were focused on a ladder that was behind us, he looked at me with a little smile. He pointed to the ladder before climbing up it. Lance looked pissed off for a moment and he looked at me. Ah, we are going to distract the robots and Keith will attack them from above. It would've been easier if he just whispered it. I nodded and we both jumped out of our hiding spots.

"Hey, dumb pieces of scrap! Lookie! Two Paladins that you ain't gonna get!" I teased in a song song way. Me and Lance did silly dances and put our shields up as the shot at us. When Keith was in position my shield glitched and shut down.

"What the..!" Before I could finish a robot shot me right between the eyes, I stumbled back and fell while holding my nose my nose. I heard Keith grunting as he attacked the robots.

"Oh my God! [Y/N]!" Lance yelled. I glanced at my hand but it didn't have blood on it. I felt drowsy and I had to work hard to stand up. Keith rushed over and I wobbled a little.

"I feel tired. Can I have a nap?" I asked as the boys looked at each other.

"I think one of the robots guns was set to stun." Keith said as I tried to walk but stumbled. I bumped into Keith and instead of pushing away, I cuddled into him. He's like a teddy bear. So warm and cuddly.

"Awwww." Lance cooed. "You carry her and I'll cover you." Keith picked me up bridal style and I soon passed out in his arms.

Keith's POV

Me and Lance walked into the core, there was a large yellow stone thing connected to the roof and floor, everyone was already there. Suddenly, all the doors shut behind us and I felt [Y/N] shuffle around in my arms. She faced me as little cute snores escaped her mouth, her messy [H/C] hair sprawled over her face. Her nose was a little bit red from when the robot shot her but it made her look more adorable.

"Not an ambush. More like a trap." Hunk stated as I snapped out of my trance.

"Whatever it is, keep your guard up." I said, everyone looked at me, then at [Y/N]. Pidge and Hunk gasped before they ran over.

"[Y/N]? Is..Is she..." Hunk whispered in shock.

"She's alive, just stunned, she should wake up soon." I reassured Pidge and Hunk as they sighed in relief. Then, as if on cue, [Y/N]'s eyes fluttered open to reveal her big [E/C] eyes. I placed her on her feet carefully as she regained consciousness.


I stretched and yawned as I looked around the weird room I was in. Oh, right I'm in the Balmera. I looked at this weird yellow stone in the middle of the core. I looked at each Paladin as they just stood there looking at me, my eyes fixed on this one person. Their skin was gray and bumpy, they were wearing a blue patterned shirt and brown shorts. They had yellow eyes and had black stone-like hair. Wait... Is that Shay?

"Hunk, look. I found your girlfriend." I turned to Keith, "Thanks for the nap Keith." I mumbled, patting Keith's shoulder before perking up and walking to Shay. "Hello! I'm [Y/N]! Nice to meet you." I shook hands with Shay before getting tackled into a hug by Pidge; Hunk and Lance joining in.

"Thank God you're okay!" Pidge yelled into my chest. I giggled and hugged back.

"I only had a nap guys. Wait..." My smile faded as I growled under my breath. The green, yellow and blue paladins let go of me. One of those Galra robots shot me! Right in my face as well! Anger vowed through my veins as I felt like punching something. "A robot SHOT me! Oh, I am soooooo annoyed right now!"

"[Y/N], calm down. Let's focus on getting out of here." Shiro said placing his hand on my shoulder, I took a deep breath before nodding.

"The Galra, they gained knowledge that you would return to Balmera." Shay stated. How could they have known that?!

"How?" Pidge and I asked at the same time. We may not be actual sisters but we sure do act like we're twins!

"I know not. But they set this trap just for you. I was the bait." Shay looked at her feet as she spoke, like this was her fault.

"Who could have possibly known that we were heading here to save Shay?" Shiro questioned, Hunk spun around, he went from relived to furious in a tick.

"Rolo! Those liars must've told Zarkon." Shouted Hunk as I leaned on Keith's arm. I was wide awake now, he looked at me as I have him a small smile before it quickly disappeared.

"We have to figure out how to get out of here." Shiro said as he looked around the core.

"Wait! We have a giant Castle ship hovering in the sky. Allura, can you please come and get us?" Lance asked as I let out a sign still leaning on Keith.

"How d'you expect her to do that, genius?" Keith snapped. I giggled a little and stood up straight.

"Give him a break Keith. Any suggestion is a good suggestion... I guess." I smiled at him. He opened his mouth like he was about to argue back but he closed it again.

"Pfft, w-whatever." I tilted my head at how he gave in so easily, his face was a little red and he looked away. He looks cute when he's flustered :3.

"Sorry Lance but we're quite occupied at the moment." Allura yelled over the explosions. "We are completely surrounded by Galra ships and we're taking heavy fire! Paladins you have to get out of there as soon as you can!"

"This is it! We're going to die in here. I can say bye-bye to that parade." As Lance said this everyone looked at him. I face palmed and Keith chuckled a little.

"Get it together, guys." Lance went quiet, "Allura we'll get there as soon as we possibly can." Shiro told Allura as Lance pouted.

"Perhaps my people can help us get out." Shay walked up to the yellow stone and placed her hand on it. "This is how we communicate. The Balmera senses our vibrations  and sends a message to those in the tunnels." Shay explained. Hmmm... Can anyone do it? Cause I wanna try!

A/N: Sorry I have updated recently. School and stuff. Just wanted to say thank you for 2K! Also I gotta get needles from my school soon. :'( I hate needles... But it's better than getting sick or whatever it prevents. Sorry getting off topic, thanks for 2K and byeeee!

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