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"Group B, could you please come with me?" A man came into the room wearing more casual clothes than the other therapists did. Jack heard his group being called and glanced over, but he couldn't bring himself to move. His eyes were glued to the brown eyes surrounded by tan skin and topped with dark hair. He was captivated and caught himself staring for far too long when Cry patted his arm.
"That's us, come on! Mark's the best, you'll love him, I promise," Cry swore and grabbed his arm, tugging him along. "Ken was changed to a different group since someone was discharged, so it's just you, me, Dan, and Phil."
No response.

"Small group today, huh? Follow me," Mark smiled and unlocked the door that lead to a hall full of rooms that were used for groups. He lead them to one of the more spacious rooms, knowing Cry didn't like small rooms. He opened the door, holding it for the group who walked passed him. He noticed a new face amongst them and frowned to himself. He was used to the others talking about him before group and buttering them up for him, causing the new patients to have no problem introducing themselves. He seemed different. He just followed and didn't say a word.

"Ice cream?" Cry asked right after Mark took an open chair. He simply glanced at the crate, silently telling him to help himself. He let the group pass around the small crate of treats and items to fidget with, noticing the newest group member just passed it along, not taking anything for himself.
"Okay, let's get started. Today, why don't we start off by introducing ourselves, how we're feeling, anything you want to talk about, your sparkle of the day, then compliment the person who's going next. A sparkle is a highlight of your day," Mark added for the new patient.

"I'll start! I'm Cry, as if anyone in this room didn't know that by now," He laughed a bit before continuing. "I'm pretty happy today, there's nothing I really want to talk about... My sparkle today was that I beat everyone at a card game."
"Don't let your ego take over," Mark warned in response and Cry laughed.
"Phil, I like you because you're not a sore loser like Dan," Cry smirked as Dan started objecting, but was cut short.
"Thank you, Cry! Well, I'm Phil, I'm feeling a bit anxious today."
"Why is that? Have you been feeling anxious for a while now without pause?" Mark asked, his voice full of concern that caught Jack's attention. He had started spacing out, but Mark's concerned voice brought him back. Normally, therapists sounded like they were forcing sympathy, at least that was how Jack perceived it. Mark actually sounded as though he was concerned and cared.

"Yeah, I've been on edge since I woke up this morning. I don't know why," He sighed and Mark nodded.
"Let's try to occupy your mind and take it off the anxiety," Mark grabbed a coloring book off the stack he had in the room and a pack of markers, passing it to Phil. "Anyone can help themselves to a coloring book if you'd like. I find coloring to be a great way to keep yourself occupied and it keeps your hands busy, so it counts as a fidget."
"Thanks," Phil smiled a bit, accepting it. "I think this is a great idea, actually. It'll help keep me busy for a bit."
"I can get you a lavender patch too if you think aromatherapy could help," Mark suggested and Phil shrugged.
"I'll try the coloring first, that lavender patch doesn't smell good," Phil laughed.
Mark had gotten used to the smell of the lavender patch and actually liked it after so long of having it. "That was all I wanted to talk about today. My sparkle today was this coloring book. Dan, I like your face."

"Why thank you, Phil, I like your face, too," Dan grinned before sighing, realizing this meant it was his turn. "I'm Dan. I'm feeling sad today because I missed OT."
"You'll have it tomorrow, won't you?" Mark asked encouragingly.
"Yeah, but usually my sparkle is in OT, so I suppose my sparkle would have to be Phil's compliment today," Dan smiled softly.
"Was there anything else you wanted to talk about?" Mark asked patiently, glancing at Jack to silently let him know he was next, which made him stiffen. Dan shook his head, clearly still sad about missing his craft time. "I could ask the nurses if I could take you guys during zen time and we can have another OT class if you'd like."
"Really?" Dan grinned as Mark nodded. "That'd be so great! Thank you!"
"Don't thank me, you guys have been a great group," Mark smiled. He didn't mind staying after his shift. Zen time was after he left and night shift came in, but he was willing to stick around for these guys.

"Sean, I think you're really nice," Dan passed it off to Jack, who had been holding his breath since Mark glanced at him. Mark's eyes were on him and he couldn't speak over the lump in his throat. He was caught off guard and wasn't sure how to tell Mark he couldn't speak, though he wanted to. He had expected Cry to intervene immediately, but he hadn't been paying attention and was whispering to Phil how excited he was to have more OT time.

"Oh, sorry," Cry suddenly noticed and apologized to Jack for taking so long to help out. "He's mute, he doesn't speak."
"Okay, well, you can write down your responses and I'll read them to the group if you'd like," Mark suggested and Jack bit his lower lip, feeling terrible for not talking like the others. Cry was prepared to talk for him, but he didn't want to be dependent on him. He wanted so desperately to be able to open up like the rest of the group and have Mark's attention to himself like the others had. He wanted to be able to help himself and say something, but his throat was burning and he wasn't sure if he could manage to speak.
"Okay, let's start. What's your name?"

"Jack," A response came, but it wasn't from Cry.

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