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On a bright Sunday morning, Mark wakes up to see Jack still cuddled up next to him.
"You look so cute." Mark says as he brushes Jack's green coloured bangs out of his face. The green was starting to fade, meaning Jack would most likely dye it again soon. Dan and Phil were still on the folded out couch, snoring quietly. Mark snickered as he heard Dan mumble something in his sleep.

"Phil what are you doing?"
"Dan!" Mark whispers. Dan shifted, but didn't open his eyes.
"Dan," Mark says a bit louder, "Wake up!"
Dan sits up slowly, rubbing his eyes, the icepack ended up between him and Phil when they ended up facing each other. Dan hesitates, then grabs the icepack carefully.
"What..?" Dan whispers, adjusting his eyes to the light peeking through the window.
"It's, like, 9:30, dude. Get up." Mark laughs quietly. Dan groans as he slides off the bed, right onto the floor.

"Dan!" Phil gasps, startled. He sits up, nearly tearing the blanket off of him. "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine!" Dan says, his voice muffled from the floor.
"How's your stomach?"
"Do you mean hungry or hurting from the billion punches I got from that asshole yesterday?" Dan says, the sarcasm in his voice making Phil laugh.
"You know what I mean," Phil says, lightly smacking the back of Dan's head.
Dan giggles and Phil's smile grows. Phil quickly turns away and gets up to help Dan to his feet.

"So, uh, what are we doing today?" Phil asks, looking at Mark.
"I don't really know, being honest. After yesterday, I don't know what to do. Luckily I came in at the time that I did, though. I don't want to think about what he would've done if I didn't come in when I did." Mark says, looking at the two and the sleeping boy next to him.
"Me neither. How is he still sleeping?" Dan asks, looking up and gesturing to Jack.
"I honestly don't know," Mark says.

Phil goes over to Jack and rubs his cheek softly, tilting his head to the side to look at Jack's face.
"Jack, wake up." He says softly.
Jack slowly opens his eyes. His head was throbbing from the pain.
"What's wrong, Jack?" Phil asks when Jack groans, concern filling his eyes.
"My head, it s-still hurts." Jack says.
"Oh, your ice pack!" Mark says, looking around. He lifted up blankets and pillows, not finding it.
"Where the hell did it go?" Mark says under his breath.

"Mark, I found it," Phil says, picking it up from under a blanket. "It was under my blanket, on the floor. It must've gotten covered up when I tore the blanket off of me. Here you go, Jack." Phil laughs, handing it to him.
"Thanks." Jack says, sitting up and placing the icepack on his head.
"It's still cold... that's kinda weird. Usually it isn't cold anymore within a few hours."
"Kinda weird, but cool at the same time!" Mark smiles, putting enthusiasm into the word 'cool' and earning small giggles from the group.

"Dan are you going to get up now?" Phil chuckles, switching his gaze over to him.
"Who wants breakfast? Anyone hungry?" Mark asks.
"I-I guess." Jack mumbles.
"Sure," Phil looks to the door, "But.. what if he is out there?"
Jack shivers, knowing who Phil is referring to. He was hoping that Garvan had left by now, but he couldn't be too sure. Garvan likes to make his own choices and doesn't usually obey orders from anyone-- not even the police. Jack learned that the hard way.

"I'll go check." Mark says, "Do you know if he was drunk last night?"
"Are you even allowed to have alcohol here?" Dan asks.
"If you ask. They normally give it to patients who are just really wanting a break. They're normally supervised."
"Obviously not this time!" Jack chimes in.
"Guess not."
"Let's check then. We can't sit around all day right?" Dan says.

Mark goes to peek out the window, not seeing anything. He presses his ear to the door and listens. All he can hear is the footsteps of people outside the room. Just patients and nurses walking around, going to places they needed or wanted to be. He suddenly becomes self conscious of how he looks when he sees his reflection in the window. His hair is ruffled up and the middle part where he dyed his hair red has faded to a pastel pink. I better re-dye my hair soon. He's well aware of his hair sticking up in some places and he attempts to pat his hair down, trying to make it somewhat decent. He gave up when all it did was spring up again, even when he used both hands. Wearing baggy grey sweatpants and a simple white t-shirt wasn't exactly proper attire for work. Might as well get the day started.

Dan and Phil are on Mark's bed, talking to each other about what they planned to do for the day. Jack had taken out his phone and was playing games to distract himself from thinking about bad memories. It was working for the most part, but memories can show up without warning and ruin the mood. Keeping his mind busy was his only fix.

"I'm gonna get dressed," Mark tells them.
"O-Okay" Jack mumbles, not looking up from his screen.
"Not too formal, Mark, it's Sunday." Phil chuckles as he sees him taking out a pair of jeans and a red flannel shirt. He smiles at him before walking to his bathroom to get dressed. He neatly combs his hair to the side and throws his dirty clothes in the hamper. He walks out of the bathroom, nearly crashing into Jack.
"Oh, s-sorry!" Jack stutters.
"No harm done," He reassures him, pulling him in for a hug. Jack flinches back at first, obviously not expecting the sudden move. It takes a second for him to accept it, wrapping his arms around Mark slowly.

"Did you need anything, Jack?" Mark asks softly, mildly afraid of scaring the boy.
"D-Did you see anyone out there?" He asks, a worried expression on his face.
"Just some people walking around, that's all. Patients and nurses. I think he must still be asleep or something. It's an early Sunday, after all."
"Yeah." He says, his voice shaking. Mark could tell the more he thought about Garvan, the more he panicked, so he quickly changed the subject.

"Who's up for breakfast?" He asks excitedly, still holding onto Jack.
"I could eat." Jack mumbles.
"Attaboy, Jack." Mark praises, recieving a small smile in return. It was a good sign that Jack was starting to eat again. Mark was afraid that as long as Garvan was at the hospital, Jack would switch right back to not eating again.

"What's for breakfast?" Phil asks.
"I hope it's waffles, ooh, or even pancakes! I'll settle for pancakes." Dan says, bouncing around on the bed excitedly.
"Dan, stop shaking the bed!" Phil says.
Dan looks at Phil with a devilish smile, letting him know he took it in the a wrong way.
"Daniel, don't you dare."
"Your mum will be shaking the bed later!" Dan says loudly, snapping fingerguns at Phil as he laughs.
"Dan!" Phil scolds, laughing along with him. He gives him a playful push and they tackle each other to the ground.

"I don't know what's for breakfast, but I guess we'll find out." Mark says to get everyone back on topic.
"Yeah, let's go." Dan says as he stands up and dusts himself off. Mark noticed Dan's excitement, but recognizing the pain behind his smile hurt him. Am I failing as a therapist?

Mark goes out the door first, Jack, Dan and Phil following close behind him.
"Goodmorning, Mr. Fischbach!" Abby says, causing him to flinch as she comes up to him from the side.
"Goodmorning, Abby" He replies, forcing a small smile.
"What are we all doing this fine morning?" Abby asks as she looks at each of the boys and then back to Mark.
"About to go eat breakfast, do you know what we're having today?"
"I do. We're have a buffet available for each member of the hospital today as a special treat for everyone's progress."
Dan and Phil look at each other and squeal, overjoyed. Jack smiles a little, his eyes shining bright. He looks at Mark and he couldn't help but smile back at him. I love it when he smiles.

Sorry I've been taking forever :( I'm back now! Let me know if you liked the chapter!

Would you guys like me to update daily(if I can lol, just suggesting) or every other day? Or on a particular day?

Therapy - SeptiplierHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin