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Bob? So the other man must be Wade... they're always together.
Dan's eyes go wide and he feels a shudder go down his spine. His school bullies, stalkers, tormentors. It's the torture of school all over again. Classes, public bathrooms, dorm-like rooms-- some rooms you share with people.
Hopefully they got their own room. No, hopefully they are just visiting Garvan or something. They were friends back in school after all...
His mouth hangs open in fear and shock while Wade lets go of Phil, who rushes over to him.

"Your head!" Dan gasps, touching his temple that had blood trickling down, earning a flinch from Phil. "L-Look what you did to him!" He yells at them.
"Hey, cool it, Stutters, he didn't mean to push him that hard." Bob says.
"Well, maybe you shouldn't have even came here then!" He spits back, anger and fear glowing in his voice. Wade glares at Dan and Bob has to hold him back by the wrist. Wade looks like he's about to spring at him at any second.

"Why don't you answer our question, Danny? Then we'll go." Bob growls.
"We'll never tell you where Jack is!" Phil says loudly.
"Fine, you'll just have to show us," Bob says, grabbing Dan by the wrist as Wade grabs Phil, beginning to drag them out of the bathroom.
"No!" Dan growls through gritted teeth, trying to get away. He knew it was useless to struggle, but that wouldn't stop him from trying to do it anyway.
"Keep struggling, Dan. Keep struggling. You're only using up your strength." Wade says. Dan glared at him, but kept silent.

"Where's the room, Phil?" Wade asks, but Phil doesn't respond, he just looks to the side in annoyance. Wade repeats himself, "Come on, Phil. Just show us where Jack is so we can let you two go and we can all get back to what we were all doing."
"No." Phil mutters.
I got an idea. Dan thinks to himself as he stumbles to find words over his thoughts.
"I'll just tell them! They're in the cafeteria right now... if you can get over there quick you might catch 'em." Dan says, gesturing down the hall to the left.
"Thanks, Dan." Wade says, patting him on the back roughly. The boys let go of Dan and Phil and sprint down the hall.

"Dan, what have you done?" Phil whispers, looking around frantically.
"Run!" He says quietly, grabbing his hand and running down the opposite hall as fast as his legs can carry him. Phil is almost the same speed as Dan, so the pace works out in a way where they don't need to stop for each other.
"Dan what are we doing?" Phil asks anxiously.
"They're not actually in the cafeteria," He says, "They're in the room!"

He pulls Phil into the room so quick that the door slams behind them, making Mark and Jack nearly jump out of their skin. Dan notices that Jack looks really pale suddenly from the scare.
"I'm so sorry, Jack I didn't mean to scare you" Dan says quickly, breathless.
"It's okay. W-What's up with you guys? Are you guys okay?" Jack says.
"It's Bob... and... and Wade. They're here for some reason," Phil says breathlessly.
"Oh, shit." Mark says quietly.
"What's wrong Mark?" Jack asks quietly, looking up at him.
"It's... it's nothing. I-I'm fine," Mark tells him, shaking his head.
"You're lying," Jack mutters, "I know you are."
Mark's face quickly grows pale and he tenses up.
"I-I said I'm okay." He says quietly.
Dan speaks up, what he says makes Mark's skin crawl.
"He bullied you, too, didn't he?"
Mark starts to tremble as a memory flashes inside of him. Tears roll down his cheeks silently and his hands grip his shirt by his chest as he struggles to breathe properly.

He snaps out of the vision suddenly, realizing Jack is trying to calm him down.
"Mark! Mark, listen, it's okay. It's okay, d-don't cry! Relax, Mark."
Dan goes over to lock the door and him and Phil lie down on the fold-out couch, watching the scene silently. Jack turns off the TV and the light, then he goes back to the bed. Mark continued to shake as he wraps his arms around Jack who proceeded to try and calm him down.
And I thought I was the one to calm others down. Mark thought.

Mark suddenly remembers his stuffed animal that he had when he was a little kid. Hesitantly, he stands and goes over to his dresser, getting down on his knees to open the bottom drawer and grab out the small teddy bear. He holds it to his chest as he slowly walks back over to the bed and lies down. He stares at the wall for a long time before finally managing to fall asleep with the teddy bear pressed to his chest, the memory still lingering in his mind.

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