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Jack's POV

"Mark?" I call out from the shower.

No response.

"Mark?" I call, dumbfounded.

I get out of the shower and grab my towel, I wrap it around my waist and grab another one to dry off my hair.

I walk out of the bathroom and look around.

Where did he go?

"Dan? Dan. Dan! Daniel!"
"Mm? What? What's wrong?" He responds groggily.
"Have you seen Mark?"
"No I just woke up, why?"
"He's gone you idiot!" I say chuckling, trying to make it seem like a joke, but then again serious.
"Do you think he'd be doing classes again?"
"Don't ya think he'd tell us if he was gonna do that?
"Fine, you win."

Dan stands up sleepily and rubs his eyes. He yawns.
"Should we let Phil sleep a little longer?"
"No way he's as much in this witch hunt as we are." I say.
"Alright," he says, rubbing Phil's shoulder, "Phil, wake up Phil."

"Hm?" Phil mumbles.
"Mark's missing."
"You've gotta be joking."
"No. Sadly."
"Why do I have a bad feeling Garvan is in on this..?"
"Fuck Phil.. shit, damn it, what?!"
"Oh no.." I whine, covering my mouth in shock.

This can't be happening.

I rush back into the bathroom and dry off. I comb my hair so I look at least decent and then I get dressed, throwing on some blue skinny jeans and a black/grey short sleeve.

I quickly walk back out of the bathroom and look all over for a note. Garvan always left creepy notes for me saying things like
I'll see you soon Jack
So I would suspect he did something like that for this.

"Oh god he took Mark! What is he gonna do to him?! Oh god.. I don't even want to think about that!" I say.

I lower myself to the ground, putting my face in my knees.

"Jack, hey, it's alright. We'll find him we'll get him back." Phil says, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"We have to find him!" I say.

"Here," Phil says, giving me his hand, I accept it and he stands, helping me get up.

I pace quickly around the room, thinking of where he could be.

If Garvan took him that means they probably went to Garvans room... but I don't know...

I decide to speak up.

"D-Do you think m-maybe Garvan took him to his room or somethin?"

"Probably.." Dan says, unsure.

"Jack, here, look!" Phil says, picking up a yellow piece of paper.

"What is it?" Dan says.

"It's a note or somethin!" Phil exclaims.

He gives me the note and I read it;

Come to the bathrooms at 11pm if you ever want to see Mark again.

You've gotta be kidding me.

"What's it say?" Phil asks.

"Yeah," Dan adds.

"Um.. j-just says d-don't forget to get m-more ramen.. f-from Mark. That's all." I say quietly.

"Oh, alright. Damn." Dan sighs.

If I told them the truth they would've wanted to come help me.. I can't risk that...

"H-Hey I gotta go um, cancel m-my medication prescription, be back soon." I tell them, opening up the door and closing it behind me right away without another word.

I bolt down the hall, stopping to look at a clock on the wall.

6:57 pm

How long did we sleep for?? How the hell does time go that fast?

Oh well.. I'm paying attention to looking for Mark..

"Oh Mark... where did he take you?" I say to myself.

I remember that he said to meet in the bathrooms. So I check there first.

I walk into the bathroom and I open ever stall door in there until I get to the back one.

When you pull the handle, you'd expect it to open right away.

This one didn't.

There wasn't a sound in there except for my heavy breathing from running around.

And another faint sound of breathing.

I know better than to look under the stall doors for privacy reasons, but this time I think it's necessary.

I look under the stall door and I see Mark's feet.

He's tied to a chair!

Oh my god what??!

I gasp and frantically crawl under the stall door. Once I'm in I immediately rip the duct tape off of his mouth, causing him to wake up.

He gasps.

"N-No please! P-Please don't h-hurt m-me! Please don't!" He screams, terrified, crying.

My heart hurt hearing his cries so I quickly grab hold of his shoulders, he flinches back, frightened, but I continue.

I pull him close to me and kiss him on his lips, shushing him, rubbing his back in circles to calm him down at the same time.

I take off the blind fold.

"Don't worry, I'm here." I say quietly. "I'm here Mark. It's okay."

I untie him, I don't want him standing though, he's probably feeling weak..

"Jack," he chokes out before sobbing again, I pull him close to my chest.

"It's okay Mark. Yes.. I'm here. I'm here. It's okay. Let it out.." I tell him soothingly.

"Relax Mark. I'll get you out of here. I promise. I swear."

"Okay," he says quietly, sniffling.

"Can you s-stand?" I ask him, my stutter rolling back in with my words.

"I-I don't know," he sighs. He tries to stand but ends up falling into my arms once more.

"Mark when was the last time you had some w-water?" I ask him sternly.

"I.. I don't remember.." he whispers.

"Okay." I say, unlocking the stall. I grab his hand and let him lean on my shoulder as I walk him out of the stall.

I tell him to lean against the wall while I look out to see if anyone was there.

"Jack?" Mark says quietly.


"I don't feel safe.." he whimpers.

"I know.." I sigh. "Let's go, there's no one here.." I say, grabbing his arm again.

I lead him out the door, being extra cautious for Garvan and his 'gang'.

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