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Jack wakes up to hearing loud screams. High pitched screams. The staff are out for the night. Leaving only one person left to be in charge; Mark Fischbach.

Jack heard banging coming from down the hall. Curious, he slowly makes his way towards the sound. He wanted to see where it was coming from, so he walked close to the wall, seeing if it was coming from inside one of the rooms. When he got closer, he recognized three voices, three extremely familiar voices. Dan, Phil, and Garvan.

To Jack, it was almost an instinct to flinch at Garvan's voice. He wanted to walk in, but he just couldn't. He'd have to force himself. Without anymore hesitation, Jack opens the door. What he sees makes him gasp and he feels a shiver go down his spine.

Garvan has Phil held up against the wall, holding him by the collar of his black t-shirt. Dan has his hand by his stomach, trying to yell out to Garvan to let Phil go, even though he is wheezing and coughing up red, short of breath from what must've been a hard blow.

"Jack, no! Run--" Phil yells out. Garvan roughly covers his mouth with his hand, "Shut up!"
"Let him... go..." Dan says weakly.
"You want another punch to the gut, Danny boy?" Garvan snaps, whipping his head to the left to look at Dan. Dan responds by coughing and lowers his head in pain.

What happened? What are you doing? Stop it!

Jack wanted to scream, but his voice was caught in his throat, so he just stood there, staring. He couldn't tear his eyes away and he couldn't find the courage to use his voice.
Garvan turns back to Phil, moving his hand away from his mouth.
"How did he get here?"
"I-I don't know, he doesn't speak," Phil mumbles. His head was throbbing from being slammed up against the wall.
"You gotta speak up." Garvan says, tightening his grip around Phil's collar, getting ready to push him against the wall again.
"He-He's mute!" He quickly says, forcing himself to be a bit louder.
"So he doesn't say a thing? He hasn't said anything to you? Nothing at all?"
"Nothing." Phil says quietly, clearing his throat.

Jack had snuck up from behind Garvan, holding a pillow sheet that he got from Dan's bed, he must've been putting it around a pillow when Garvan came in. He wraps the covering around Garvan's head. Garvan lets go of Phil and twists around angrily. He manages to tear the pillow sheet off of his head rather quickly, to Jack's surprise. Garvan was much stronger than he'd thought. Jack gasps and a high pitched sound comes from his throat. Garvan grumbles, his face red with anger.
"You." He says in a low voice.

Jack's heart started racing and he began to shake. His breathing was quick, coming in short and leaving fast. He backs up until he hits the door behind him, causing it to shut rather loudly. Garvan lunges for him, grasping both of his arms and flipping him around so he's facing the wall. He pins his arms behind his back so he can't move. Jack yells out in pain when his forehead hits the wall.

"I told you we would see each other again." Garvan growls in a low voice. Jack whimpers and, from instinct, doesn't even try to wriggle free.
Garvan smiles when he notices he wasn't trying to move.
"How did you get here, Jack?" He asks, but it was more of a command than a question.
No response.
Garvan pulls him back quickly and slams him up against the wall again. Jack was almost sure the room was spinning.
"How did you get here, Jack?"
"They j-just brought me here--" He manages to whisper, but gets cut short.
"I-I don't know."
"Why, Jack?" He shouts, slamming him against the wall again, this time making a loud bang when his head hit the wall.

"I don't know," He whimpers. He wanted to sink to the ground and disappear.
"Was it to get away from me?" He asks, sounding genuinely hurt.
"No," Jack whispers. He doesn't want to be hurt anymore. Even though giving him what he wants doesn't work, he had to say it to see if it would ease his anger.
"Then why?"
"I-I was beaten up." He says quietly.
Garvan laughs hysterically, sending a shiver down Jack's spine.

"Grrah!" Dan yells out as he jumps on top of Garvan's back. Jack groans in pain and collapses to the ground when Garvan is forced to let go.
"Go get help! Go get help! Get Mark!" Dan yells.
Phil rushes out the door, "I'll be right back, don't move!" He says before running out.
"Not planning to," Jack mumbles.
Garvan quickly gets an idea, flipping around and falling back against the wall. Dan groans and falls to the floor, gasping for air.

Garvan leans down and whispers to Dan, "I'm not done with you. You should've just stayed in your bed, Dan."
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" A voice yells. Garvan snaps his head towards the source, seeing Mark running into the room with Phil on his heels.
"M-Mark!" Jack gasps.
"Jack, you stay right there, okay?" Mark says, Jack nodding his head in response.
"You're not the boss of me Mr. Fish," Garvan insults.
"Get out." Mark tells him.
"Yeah, and what if I don't?"
"I'll just have to force you, then."
"Try me." And with that Garvan storms out of the room, his hands balled up into fists.

Phil runs over to his best friend.
"Dan! What did he do to you? Do you have any bruises? Does this hurt?" Phil asks, feeling Dan's lower stomach.
"Gah!" Dan yelps, "That hurts!"
"Mark, Dan is going to need an ice pack," Phil informs.
"Okay. I'll take you all with me for the night and we'll all be good. Just hang in there."

"Jack how are you feeling? Does anything hurt? Please talk to me." Mark asks, looking him in the eyes.
"No." Jack says, looking away.
"You're lying to me. What hurts, Jack?"
Jack sighs and looks at him, "My head, he sh-shoved me against the wall. Repeatedly."
"Okay, come here," Mark says, picking Jack up and carrying him out, "Phil, help Dan up and come to my room." Mark says before walking out.
"Can you walk, Dan?" Phil asks.
"I-I don't know." Dan mumbles. He tries to stand up, wincing as he feels a sharp pain.
"It's okay, Dan." Phil reassures him, holding Dan up as they walk to Mark's room.

Mark's room is big. Upon entering, there is a couch and a flatscreen TV. In the right corner is a bed with a stand next to it. A small dresser sits at the end of the bed. A table with two chairs is situated in the other corner of the room and next to it is a small fridge with a freezer on the bottom. There is also a small garbage near the door. The couch is a fold-out, so multiple people could lay on it without being squished.

Phil is sat on the couch, facing Dan, who is to his left. Dan is lying on his back with an icepack resting on his abdomen. Phil refused to take an icepack and just decided that he would take some medicine, so Mark gave him some ibuprofen. Mark has Jack in his arms, lying on his bed. He gave Jack some ibuprofen and an icepack for his head. Everyone is asleep but Mark.
Mark slowly lifts Jack off of him, not wanting to wake him. He places him comfortably on his bed and covers him up with his blanket.
"M-Mark..." Jack squeaks out.
"Yes, Jack?"
"C-Can you sleep next to me? I-I just feel safer when you are with me."
"Of course. Just let me get something, I'm kinda hungry."
"Okay." Jack whispers before lying his head back down to sleep.
Mark goes over to his fridge and grabs a fruit smoothie. He drinks it quick and throws it away. That should satisfy the burden of hunger for the night. He gets on his bed again and wraps his arms around Jack. A simple hug from behind. Nothing special until Jack cuddles in close to him.

"I don't know how to thank you," Jack mumbles into Mark's back.
"You don't need to, Jack." Mark whispers.
"Why not?"
"Because if you thanked me for all the times I would be there for you, you would be thanking me more than I could take."
"Mark--" Jack starts.
"Shh, I'm here for you Jack," Mark smiles softly, "now go to sleep."

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