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Jack managed to sit through the movie all while trying to have a conversation with his friends, even if it just meant saying "Okay" or "Yes" or "No" answers. He was slowly coming out of his shell and he was proud of himself for it. Little by little, step by step he could find the courage to use his voice.

Jack went to his room after the movie was done and he fell on his bed, thinking, and they were happy thoughts. He thought of his next one-on-one session with Mark tomorrow, he thought of Cry, Dan and Phil. And, eventually, he fell asleep.

Jack woke up to, surprisingly, feel nothing. He didn't feel depressed, anxious, he didn't have a headache, and he wasn't sweating. His heart rate starts to increase when the image of Mark comes to mind. He smiles weakly at the thought of seeing him again. He didn't feel frustrated when he thought about Mark. He sits up and turns to look at the clock, quickly snapping out of his thoughts when he realised that morning group was just about to start.

Cry comes rushing in excitedly, Dan and Phil on his heels. "Jack, you're awake! Come on and get dressed! You've got two minutes before morning group starts!"
As they turn to leave he quickly gets up and changes into blue jeans and a green t-shirt, along with a black hoodie.

Jack, still kinda sleepy, quickly walks out of his room and joins his friends who were waiting outside the door for him. They all silently jog to morning group, making sure to dodge eye contact from any staff members because they were only allowed to walk, no jogging or running unless you're in the gym.

When they enter the room and take their seats John looks at them and smirks, "You made it."
Cry chuckles and smiles at him, "Sure did! Wouldn't miss it!"
"Okay, who would like to start us off today?" John asks the group.
Dan's hand shoots up in the air, "I will!"
"Okay Dan, how are you feeling today so far?"
"Well, I have actually been up for about 28 minutes so I'm still a bit tired, but other than that I'm excited I got up this early to make it to morning group! I also know I won't miss OT then!"
"That's cool, Dan. I agree with you because I've noticed you actually have not been up this early ever before, and if you were up this early before you must've decided to skip group. I'm proud of you for making it here today." The group laughs, including Jack, who was a bit quieter than the rest.

Suddenly the door opens and a staff member comes in with someone. A tall guy who has dark green eyes and dark brown hair. The guy looks unsettling familiar to Jack, who becomes stiff with shock upon seeing the man.

After what seemed to be a long silence of just staring at the new patient, the staff member, Aubrey, introduces him.
"Garvan, this is Group B, guys, why don't we welcome Garvan to the group with a nice hello. Then, Garvan, you can go sit with your group." She smiles.

"H-Hello." Dan says softly, waving.
"Hello." Phil says.
"Hi, I'm Cry, this is Dan, Phil, and Jack." Cry points to each person as he says their names.
"Hello." Garvan's deep voice sounds.
Jack gulps, he can't believe what he is seeing, despite it being right in front of him. He closes his eyes tight, thinking to himself.
This is a nightmare, I'm having a nightmare. Yes. That's it. I'm not awake. I'm still sleeping in my bed and the person who put me through hell is not standing in the same room as me.

Jack opens his eyes, but Garvan is still there.

Morning group went fast, Garvan was introduced to the group and he quickly got settled. He'd told the group that he got sent to the place because he became homeless after he'd lost his job and had to move in with his mom. Though, when his mom had yet her second divorce, she ran off and he became homeless again and needed support, but had no one to turn to.

Jack was the only one who knew that it was a lie. He knew that Garvan's mother was happy in her relationship that she has now and they all live together as a happy family, but Garvan's parents knew nothing of his scheme to ruin Jack's life with torturing him.

After morning group, Jack goes to get breakfast with Cry, Dan and Phil. Garvan insists on joining. Jack stares at Cry, a desperate look in his eyes that told him that he didn't want to be around the new patient. Cry must've seen the fear in his eyes because he asked what was wrong, but Jack didn't want to tell Cry just yet what had happened to him, so he simply said that he didn't want to be around the new patient. Cry let Jack sit next to him while Garvan sat on the opposite side of the table.

He managed to eat a little of his breakfast. He'd chosen cinnamon toast crunch, taking his little white pill with his food. The nurse told him that if he continued wanting to eat that she would have to change his pill because part of the pill's works were to stop him from starving himself. Because of that effect, him eating would only give him a negative effect because it would make him feel more full than normal, almost like a stomachache.

Starting tomorrow, Jack would take a new pill. The nurse asked him if he would like any specific changes made before she got the new prescription for him. He told her anxiety and depression were the only big ones he could think of. He would definitely need something to take to calm his anxiety down and now it was more important than ever.

Therapy - SeptiplierOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora