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Mark had a million questions racing through his head after his new patient that was presumed to be mute said a name, but it wasn't his own. His records said Sean McLoughlin. His confusion was blatantly written across his face and he eyed Sean - or Jack - for a moment, debating what to do next. The rest of the group were too stunned to speak.
"I thought you were mute," Mark said softly, afraid of startling him into silence again, but it appeared he had already slipped back as he stared at the floor. Noticing this, he decided to try a different question.
"Is Jack your nickname?"
He nodded slowly.
"I know I just met you, Jack, but I'm extremely proud of you for speaking. I know living as a mute is difficult, but you have a bright future ahead, I promise you. The fact that you spoke, though it was one word, shows you have the power to get better and if you be patient, you won't be afraid to speak anymore," Mark smiled and Jack had a light blush cross his cheeks.

"Wow! He spoke!" Cry beamed and Mark noticed Jack flinch at how loud Cry's voice could be and an idea formed in his head.
"Does anyone mind if I take Jack on a one-on-one session?" He asked and everyone, besides Jack, whined in disapproval, loving their group with Mark. "You guys can take some snacks on your way out if you'd like."
"Well, since you insist," Cry smirked and grabbed all of the snacks before running off, the others chasing behind him. Mark wasn't concerned, knowing another staff member was never too far away. The room fell silent, the only sounds heard being Mark and Jack's soft breaths.

"I'm sorry if you aren't comfortable enough for a one-on-one with me, but I really want to talk to you," Mark began and Jack made eye contact with him for the first time, revealing gorgeous baby blue eyes that made Mark's heart melt, but he couldn't connect with any of his patients on any sort of personal level.
They remained silent for a moment, but it felt much longer. Mark was waiting to see if Jack would talk to him again. He watched his patient go through an internal battle that seemed never ending. Jack began to tremble, causing Mark to believe he wasn't going to talk, thinking his social anxiety was far too extreme.

"You're different," Jack spoke in a tone barely louder than a whisper. Mark smiled a bit, but he didn't understand why Jack would talk to him of all people.
"As are you. I find it extremely remarkable that you're talking with me right now, even if it is just a little. I didn't want to say this when the others were around, I think you're possibly the most interesting and, well... haunting patient here. You have my full attention," Mark said, feeling the dark energy radiating off of Jack, he felt as though he could literally feel the depression slipping out of him with every breath. Jack's anxiety seemed extreme, so much, in fact, that it rippled through his small body and caused the consistent tremble. Mark was intrigued, fascinated, and drawn to him.

Jack didn't reply immediately, which was what Mark was anticipating. It seemed he had to really build up the courage to speak and, for some reason, he felt it was easier to talk to Mark, as if the courage was already within him and simply the sight of Mark brought life back to him. His throat felt less numb and was more or less tingly after speaking so little, his voice being comfortably hidden away.

"Y-You d-don't know me w-well enough t-to decide th-that," Jack stuttered, speaking slowly. He was finding it harder to speak in longer sentences.
"Can I ask you something? You don't have to answer if you don't want to, but..." Mark trailed off and Jack seemed lost in thought for a moment.
"W-What is it?"
"Why are you here? What happened to you?" Mark asked and Jack's lips went tight, clearly saying he wasn't about to answer that anytime soon. Mark decided to be patient to see if he'd get the courage to speak. He could see the fright in his big, blue eyes and the tremble seemed to have gotten worse. Whatever landed him here clearly scarred him, but Mark wanted to know to what extent to see how serious the case really was. There was a darkness clouding Jack's features and Mark began to realize that his patient was stuck on the past that seemed to hurt him and that every moment of silence was another moment of torture for him, as it all must be fresh in his head.

"Don't worry, you don't have to answer," Mark sighed, giving him a reassuring smile. Jack looked down, almost as if he was ashamed that he couldn't tell Mark about what had happened to him. "What matters is that you get better and you recover from what you're going through."
Jack nodded.
"I know this is our first session, but would you like to have more one-on-one sessions with me? I can ask them to let me take you during Quiet Time and we'll have an hour session for however many days you need it," Mark asked and Jack nodded again with a small smile. "Great, I'm looking forward to our sessions together. I'll let you get back with everyone else, I'll see you soon, Jack."
"Bye," Jack weakly whispered and left.

Mark thought for a moment longer about his new patient. He wanted to know what happened to him, rather, he felt he needed to know. There was one way he could possibly find out, but he didn't want to invade Jack's personal life and decided to let him come forward with what happened whenever he was ready. He told himself he'd be extra patient with Jack. He didn't want to break him, not like the last patient he had one-on-ones with. The thought breaks his heart and Mark pushed the memories away, abruptly getting up and gathering his items, preparing to get back to work.

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