A fresh start

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I've been away from home for a almost 2 months now, and what started as a fresh start seems to fall in the old pages where the ink is mixed with my old habits therefore nothing's new. Yes I'm in a new country, yes I've a wonderful opportunity and yes I am on my own, like I always wanted to be, and I'm living my dream here, but, as always there's a but in my story because I'm kind of following a same pattern I've been following for years, no, not completely. I'm making changes but the question is till when. It starts as a really exciting routine but than something happens and I fall back and the fall back is beyond my starting point so recoiling is tougher.

See, I told you I start with something and end up doing something completely different, but on a positive side I guess this is a good habit. I can be creative with my unpredictable ways. And I also know one more thing that practice makes you perfect. And to master something there are two obstacles one needs to overcome.
First beings "starting" , yes starting is tough, very tough. I plan for days how I'm going to start my task and how I'm going to nail it, but many times that task just stays written in my diary and is actually never done.
And If I start somehow, yay!!! I've overcome the first obstacle, now comes in the second one and the one which actually makes any difference "persistence " yes, it's somehow easy to start but to continue till I've achieved my goal is kind of something I fail at. So I'm writing this just to overcome my second obstacle and be somewhere and if you're like me I hope you can relate to and achieve your goals too.

I know that got lame, but I told you. I'm just writing my thoughts. So, and if you find it interesting or good or not bad than ping me. I can use new friends too. ☺️☺️

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