It's not easy

18 3 0

I'm 23 years old and completely messed up. And when I say completely, I mean it. I have a lot positive relationships in my life, like my parents, my sisters, my best friends, my laptop, my bed, my phone and so on.

But the problem is not them it's me. I'm hating everything right now and as I'm writing this, I feel I'm spreading negativity.
Wish it was easy to write it all down and get over with it. Wish I could yell st people I'm so angry with, I don't want to think about it, I want to let this go. I want to be happy and free. Not angry and frustrated. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong, but I'm definitely doing it. It's not normal to write down frustrations over here like that, but this feels better this way. People back home won't be worried about me and people who don't know me, won't care. So it's kind of good. Only problem being, I still don't feel good about it,

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