Could'nt think of an interesting name

16 2 0

You realise slowly that you do get things you want. In some twisted way you get your those wishes fulfilled, you didn't consider important enough to be doubted.
I have my own theories, and like everyone, my own view on things. I'm trying to understand things happening around me or rather things happening with me.
I've been feeling good lately. Things are not stagnant anymore. Though I'm still struggling with getting into a routine, but I'm in a better place.
Though I have my moment of self doubt and pity party, but every morning feels fresh.
I crave certain things I don't have , but sadly I've started to accept the fact that I might never have it. It's stupid that it hurts sometimes, but that's ok, it's all part of growing up.
With all the new and interesting things happening, I feel a step closer to my goals. And for now I have to work work work 😅.

I really don't know why I write here, I like to keep things private but I guess there's a sense of satisfaction in knowing that someone might read it. It's weird I know, but I'm a weird person.

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