random #1

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I have always believed that beauty comes in all shapes, sizes and colours, but somehow when it comes to consider myself beautiful, it feels foreign, even though if you even meet me you'll think I'm probably the most self obsessed person (let's say jokingly), coz there are times when I'm confident in whatever I do, I think I'm a queen. And you know the power of confidence, even if you're faking it but you know how to do that, it does creates an illusion of beauty, confidence, making a person instantly sexy. I'll not say that I'm always faking it, I'm confident in some aspect. The issue is when I overthink, then I dwell on the minute details of the situation, and I criticize my self, surround myself with tonnes of doubts and anxiety. And that's when I'm struggling, struggling to love myself, struggling to not to call my self a looser, struggling to get past these demons and be who I'm supposed to be. Well I can't say I know who I'm supposed to be, but you get the gist, right?

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