The struggle

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Keeping up with my own promises is a bit difficult, but I'm doing it. Somedays I would spend my whole day sulking how I'm wasting my time while sulking, and on somedays without any reason I would feel good. For that moment I feel everything is going to be alright. And I like that feeling.
I like to walk alone on a sunny day in a weird attire, ok not completely weird but definitely different from most people. I like different. I like doing things people don't generally do. And that makes me happy. So I'll continue my struggle of finding my self with my weird and different habits that please me, and I hope I get somewhere with it, and I know I will.


I know the above part was really weird and didn't make sense but as I said before this is not a story, these are my random thoughts and feelings.

If any one wants to talk(about anything) I'm here , feel free to write to me.

Just me.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora