Chapter One:The Wish

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Hey guys this is my first story so please don't judge. I believe I am a horrible writer but you tell me. Hope you enjoy!!!
"Marinette why are you so clumsy?" Chloé asks with her devilish grin. Chloé has been picking on me for years.

"Chloé why don't you shut up? No one likes to hear your remarks or anything that comes out of your mouth." I said furious "I'm done with you asking me 'why are you so clumsy'... I am who I am and there is nothing you can do about it!"

Alya came rushing to me and said " Gurl calm down. It's okay breath."

"No Alya. I'm done with Chloé bullying me every minute of every hour." I said angry.

Alya sighed " I am to gurl but you are over reacting. You need to stop yelling."

"Are you taking her side?" I asked irritated.

"No Mari, but you need to calm down" Alya yelled back at me.

I was in shock. I wanted to cry and scream and run away, but it was no use I couldn't move.

Adrien and Nino came rushing towards us "Is everything okay?" They said in sync.

"Yes everything is perfect Adrikins. Marinette is just being the annoying brat she is." Chloé answered with an evil laugh.

"CHLOÉ!!!!" Adrien yelled furious.

"Ya and Chloé is being the rude, selfish, stuck up brat she always is." I said irritated. Then in shock I covered my mouth, teared up, and ran away.

"MARI!!" Alya yelled after me. "That gurl I swear..."

(Narrators view)
Adrien ran after Marinette but Mari didn't notice. She ran into an alleyway and talked to someone and Adrien got confused. He looked in the ally and saw Marinette transform into Ladybug.

(Adrien's view)
"So Mari was My Lady this whole time?!???? I mean I love Mari and I love ladybug and I couldn't decide who I love more, but that's because I loved them equally. But now I know that they are the same person." He said flustered. •////•

(Back to my{Mari's} view)
I finally reached home. I threw my clothes on the floor and put my pajamas on. Tiki flew out of my bag.

"Try going up to your balcony. That always makes you feel better. Tiki said with a fake smile.

"Okay tiki" I said wiping the tears from my eyes.

I climbed on to my balcony and stared at the stars. *BANG* I turned around to see Chat Noir standing next to me.

"Hey purrrincess. WHHHATT?!?!?! Why
a-are y-you crying?" Chat asked worried.

"Just school problems. And then my best friend sticks up for Chloé. And I embarrassed myself in front of my crush!" I said.

"You like someone?" Chat asked with a sad look on his face. "W-who is this person?"

I sighed "His name is.....A-Adrien Agreste." I said flustered.

Chat was shocked and red "Agreste boy. Hmmm... Isn't he just some random eye candy?" Chat added in a curious tone.

"Adrien is so much more than that. He has a kind heart, he is gentle, and sweet. But most importantly, he knows what to say when you are upset." I said in la-la land.

Chat blushed and looked at me. He pulled me closer, and closer, and closer. And he kissed me but, without thinking I kissed him back.

I pushed him away. "What do you think you are doing?!?!"

"I'm sorry! I don't know what came over me. I got to go." With that sentence he flew off.

'WHAT IS WRONG WITH HIM?' I asked myself.

A shooting star went by and I made a wish "I wish for a better world."

With that I hear *BANG* and see glitter dust around me and I faint.

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