Chalter 6:The Journey

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Marinette's POV

Adrien and I were headed out looking for Hawkmoth. We traveled countless roads, countless times but we never found him. Mountain through mountain, path through path, riding down or flying high, he was nowhere to be seen. We came back to the village to get some answers out of Chloe,she said nothing. She said she would rather die than give up the address to where he is.

"Chloe, I'm trying to be nice here. I'm trying to make this less painful on you. Just tell me where he is and no one will get hurt!" I said sternly.

"As if I tell you Marinette. You have nothing. I have everything. Hawkmoth has everything. Your little group is toast, just look at Alya she didn't even make it past the war. But don't worry. I'll make a deal with you, if you give me the jewels, I will take you to Hawkmoth and you can get back to your puny little lives. Deal?" She asked stupidly.

I grabbed my earrings. "Never. You think Hawkmoth won't do something bad with them. If I give them to you, you're going to give them to him, and when you give them to him, the whole world, everything will be gone. Our lives won't matter. Your life don't matter. I'm trying to save you. If you tell me where Hawkmoth is, everything can go back to normal. We can be friends. Please Chloe I'm asking you as a friend, a colleague, an associate. Just tell us where he is." I said to her.

She started tearing. "I'll tell you, but promise me something. Promise me that if you defeat him, everything will go back to normal. Promise me you and I will be friends like we used to. I don't want to lose you again. Mari I was only mean to you was because you grew up and became beautiful and I was jealous."

"I promise Chloe. I promise everything will go back to normal. You and I will be friends again, I promise." I said almost crying.

"Here, take this. This bracelet, if you go near Mount Azure(az-your-ere), the gate to his lair will open. The bracelet has a special charm on it, that will open when you arrive. When you're in there, kick some moth butt for me." She said smiling.

"I will. Thank you Chloe." I said taking the bracelet.

Our journey was long and hard. Mount Azure was halfway across the world we had a travel through mountains, stay in tents, and forage for food and water. I feel like we're trying to survive an unknown world.

Three days later

Adrien's POV

It's been three days since our journey started. We only need about 20 more miles until we reach the Mount Azure. Over this past few days, Marinette has gotten stronger and faster.

*Lazy author time skip* 20 miles later.

We finally arrived at Mount Azure. I've never seen my purrincess so happy. The bracelet just started glowing randomly. All of a sudden the mountain opens up to reveal a butterfly window that was a deep shade of purple with a hint of black.

We came closer to it, as Mari touch the window. My face was in shock, hers was emotionless.

"We're here!" She said coldly.

She slid her hand against the window and when she got to the center of the butterfly she fell a button and pressed it. The window opened to reveal an evil lair surrounded with white moths. I just assume they're purified a akumas.

"Welcome Ladybug and Chat Noir. Or should I say Marinette and Adrian."

Hey guys so what do you think of my new chapter. Dun dun dunnnnn. So who do you think the voice belong to? Do you think that Hawkmoth finally came out of the shadows? How do you think he knows their identities or do you think it's someone else? Idk I will reveal in the next chapter. And maybe his identity as well. Not to you but to Mari and Adrien.

Piece out my dudes.
Kayla out. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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