Epilogue: 6 years later

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Here let me catch you up. Once they came home to the real world, Mari freakin decked Chloé in the Face and kicked her ***.   Years later, they are out of college and live in a mansion bigger than the Agreste Estate.

Adrien proposed to Mari on the Eiffel Tower with a candlelight dinner and music. There were Ladybug and Chat Noir streams everywhere. He got down on one knee and proposed to her with his mother's wedding ring. 1_1/2  years later they got married and she is now Mrs. Agreste And they had three kids named

Louise (I think that is how you spell it)

Emma has blonde hair and bluebell eyes.

Hugo and Louise have midnight hair and emerald green eyes.

Adrien's POV
I am the happiest man on earth. I have my wife, my kids, my house, my kawami, and my miraculous. What more could I want?

But now that I think about it, Plagg has been quite... Where is he?

I look at my finger and noticed my ring is gone. I looked all around for it. I hope none of the kids got it.

Emma came running up to me. I picked her up and spun her around.

"Hello my little princess. How are you this fine evening?" I said smiling.

"Hi daddy. Well I am fine but I think somethings wrong with mommy." Emma looked at me.

"What do you mean my little cat-bug?" Ok now I'm starting to get concerned.

"Well mama is wearing this white onesie with gold and purple. She told me not to say anything but she had sparks all around her and said something about 'I wish something about bringing someone back to something. Then she passed out. She is in the secret room."

"Thank you Emma." I ran to our secret room. 'Bringing someone back to something' what does that mean?  I open my door to the room and see her passed out on the floor.

"My Lady!" I said running to her. "Are you okay? Don't ever do that again!" I said helping her up. She hands me my ring.

"I'm fine kitty. But help me to the front door. I have a surprise for you." She started walking towards the door. I stopped her.

"No. Not until you tell me what you did. Why did you go Ultra Mode?"

"That's why I need you to come to the front door."

I helped her to the front door, only to hear a knock. She got excited and jumped out of my arms.

She opened the door to a woman. About 5'4, blonde, with emerald green eyes.

I stood there in shock......


Ok so this was an amazing ending....... hey vote and comment and let me know... should I add one more epilogue? Let me know.

~Kayla Out❤️❤️❤️❤️

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