The Final Challenge

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Chapter 12-

The next couple of weeks were brutal. The challenges got worse, the sleeping schedule got smaller, and more and more campers were leaving. Beth, DJ, Gwen, and Owen were all voted off since Duncan left. We were down to the last three campers; Heather, Courtney, and I. Thankfully, Heather was voted off next.

"What do you mean I'm voted off?"

"I mean, you were so rude to your other campers that when I asked who they wanted to get voted off next, they all voted Heather."

She stormed off towards the dock of shame, and climbed into the boat. It took off down the current, and that's when I realized I was one of the final two. The next week consisted of Courtney and I getting ready for our last and final challenge. The final challenge came, and it was time to finish this stupid camp once and for all. Chris first had us record our thoughts in the confessional.


"Being here for the last eight weeks was alright. I mean, it was no walk in the park, but it worked."

"The food was mostly bad. But, there were the marshmallows that made everything else feel better."

"The people were great! They were mostly supportive of each other. Even though their teamwork skills weren't the best, they still came up with game plans together."

"What will I be remembered for? Probably my awesome leadership skills"


"What was it like being here for eight weeks? It sucked."

"The food? Was terrible! It was disgusting."

"The people here sucked. They were nothing but a bunch of backstabbing, manipulative, two-timing, fame hyper, goody-goody, know-it-all, party craving, dim-witted, certifiably insane, really weird, juvenile, redneck, overbearing, jerks. But, I was able to meet Leshawna, Bridgette, Gwen, Owen, and DJ. They were the only actual sane ones here."

"What will I be remembered for? My great personality."

"Okay. I'm done here."


"Okay! The other twenty campers who got on the dock of shame and rode the boat of losers, come and sit in the peanut gallery of losers." The other campers came and sat in the bleachers that had either Courtney's face or mine on them. Chris then had us say what we would do with the money if we won and why we should get it.

"Well, I would use it to start my college fund. Then, I would go to the college of my dreams and get my doctorate degree." Courtney's side cheered for her and her dreams.

"Well, I guess all I can really say is that if I can survive this stupid camp and all you people, then I guess the rest of high school won't be so bad. But if I win, I guess I'd use the money to help around the house. Then use the rest for a music career and probably a party." My side cheered and Chris handed us a chicken and cow hat. Courtney had the cow hat and I had the chicken one.

"Okay! You have to wear these hats, run to the flagpole, climb up and grab your flag. If you don't have the flag, don't bother coming down! Next, while carrying an eagle's egg you have to cross over a 300 meter balance- beam suspended across a massive gorge, with our rare but real friends the man-eating freshwater sharks! Then a long- distance run to the finish line, which is here."

Chris counted down from three, then blew an air horn. We started off towards the flag poles. Duncan was running next to me, Heather, and Tyler were running with Courtney. When we got to the flagpole, I started to climb up, but it was too slippery. I could see Heather's smug smile as I was struggling up the pole. I growled, ran back a few feet, got a good sprint then jumped up past the most slippery part of the pole. I finished the climb and grabbed the flag. Courtney was already heading to the next part of the challenge, I jumped off the pole and headed after her. It didn't take long to catch up, but when i did and we got to the second challenge, we both stopped to look down. We exchanged glances, grabbed our eggs and hesitated to cross the beams.

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