Chapter 14

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I wake up seeing that I'm in Jungkook's arms. He looks cute when he sleep.
I stared at him for a while and played with his hair

He starts to wake up and open his eyes so I pretended to be asleep.

"I know your awake, I felt you touching my hair and staring at me." He says quickly pecking my lips.

I open one eye and he chuckles.

"Let's go somewhere today!" Jungkook says excitedly.

"What about school?" I ask

"We don't have school, it's Saturday." He laughs a little

"Oh, but where should we go?" I ask.

"Just go change."

"Okie!" I replied

I took and outfit from my closet and changed into this,

(Not my outfit)We went downstairs and saw Baekhyun and Chen

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(Not my outfit)
We went downstairs and saw Baekhyun and Chen.

"Y/n-" Baekhyun started but I cut him off.

"I'm leaving with Jungkook, I'll be back later." I said ignoring him and walked out.

"So, where are we going?" I asked

"On a date."

"I meant what place"

"I don't know. I didn't plan it." He said

"Let's just go to the cafe for now." I smile at him.

We walked to ____ Cafe and walked inside and sat down.

"Hello, would you like?" The waitress says totally ignoring me and twirls her hair with her finger.

"Um y/n, what do you like?" He asked

"I'd like a ____." I said

"I'll have the same." Jungkook says.

"I'll be back with your ____." The waitress says as she winks at him but give me a weird look.

I felt a little angry but I shook it off since all girls drool for him and he's MY boyfriend.

After a while of talking to him, she came with our drinks.

"Here are your drinks." She passed a piece of paper to him and makes a call me sign to him, ignoring my existence.

He looked at the piece of paper and crumbled it. I took it from him and read it. It was her phone number on it.

I frowned and drank my drink. He saw my expression and stood up. Jungkook was talking to the manager but I didn't see what he was saying.

He walked back and smiled at me.

"What did you say?" I asked

"I fired the waitress." He responds


"She was flirting with me and she obviously saw you." He says.

What a perfect boyfriend. Besides the part where he bullied a bunch of girls.

"Let's go to the park!" I yelled in excitement.

We held hands and walked to the park. We spotted a bench so we sat down.

"Want some ice cream?" Jungkook asks


He left to go get ice cream from the ice cream cart and a guy comes up to me. He looks about my age.

"Hey there pretty lady! Whatcha doing out here alone?" The stranger asks

"I have a boyfriend." I said ignoring his eyes

"Well he's not here right now so how about we have some fun?" He asks

What a player

I was about to reject him but Jungkook came.

"Her boyfriend is right here." Jungkook says pointing to himself.

"Ugh, Fine. I guess I'll go onto my next target." The stranger says.

He gets up and walks to another girl on another bench.

"Here's your ice cream." Jungkook says, handing me the ice cream.

It became awkward and silent. Is he mad about the what happened earlier?

"Are you mad about what happened?" I ask trying to change the mood.

"No." He simply responds

I can tell he's lying by the way his face looks.

"Ok, maybe a little." Jungkook says

"Aww is my little kookie mad?"

"Stop it I'm not a baby anymore!"

"Sure." I say as I stand up and start walking.

He stands up and follows me.

"I'm not!" Jungkook argues

"Yea, sure."

"I said I'm not!"


"Stop it!" Jungkook says

"Ok, Kookie!" I say smiling.

After a few hours of arguing if he is a baby or not, we arrived at my house.

We hugged and said our goodbyes. He kissed me on the forehead and said goodnight.

Aren't we just a perfect couple!

I entered the house and found Chen on the couch, waiting for me to get home.

"Why did you come home so late?" He asks

"I was with Jungkook." I replied

"Oh, you should go to bed." He says with sad face on.

I walked upstairs to my room and plopped myself onto the bed. Many questions went through my mind.

Do I still have to go to China?

Why do I have to go to China?

Why is my brother not against it?

Should I tell my parents that I have a boyfriend?

Would they even care?

What would happen if I leave Jungkook?

After all those questions run through my mind, I fell asleep. I don't want to leave.

{A/n: What's your favorite food?}

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