Chapter 22

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It was the end of school and I had detention. I feel bad for myself.

I walk to the detention room and see Jackson and Kelly already sitting there. I roll my eyes and walk to the back of the room. I sat down and I can see Jackson and Kelly discussing something.

I wanna listen! I wish I didn't sit in the back of the room.

{Kelly POV}

"Remember the plan, ok?" I whisper to Jackson

"Of course I'll remember the plan, how could I forget such a thing." He whispers back.

While we were whispering in each other's ears, I hadn't notice our faces were getting closer.


I need to get a hold of myself. I need to love Jungkook forever and only Jungkook. I don't need another boy in my life.

I was looking around the room cuz I was bored and saw y/n. When did she come in? I hope she didn't hear me and Jackson's conversation!

I stare at y/n, thinking of ways to embarrass her. It helps me more that she is popular. I can embarrass her in front of all her fans. She'll be humiliated.

I smirk and she looks over at my direction so I quickly look back. Wait a minute, why am I scared if she finds me looking at her?

{Y/n POV}

Finally detention was over. I was still wondering why Kelly was staring at me and what were Jackson and Kelly talking about.

I exited the school and saw Jungkook leaning on the wall by the school gate.

"Shouldn't you be home by now?" I ask Jungkook.

"I'm waiting for my girlfriend." Jungkook says smiling

"Your girlfriend? Are you cheating on me?!"

"Your so silly, your the girlfriend!" He says while smiling.


We went on a date that we did not plan and we had as much fun as we can. While we were walking home, we stopped to get some ice cream.

We got to my doorstep and he kissed my forehead.

"Always remember, your my miss right." He says as he hugs me.

I entered the house and Jisoo. I guess my parents are working again.

"Hey Jisoo!" I said running to her

"Why'd you come home so late sis?"

She's not actually my sister, we just like to call each other sisters because we are really close

"I had a date." I said

I didn't want to mention the detention or I'll be in big trouble.

Time skip to next school day

I was entering school like usual but this time, people were giving me weird looks. But I'm a bad way.

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