Helplessly in Love: A Taylor Lautner Love Story

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This is a story about what I would I think it would be like to really, honestly fall in love with Taylor Lautner.

Unlike my other book, this one is brand new and I haven't written any of it before today. I promise to try my hardest to upload at least once a week (even if it kills me!) 


Reminder: This here is just a little preview of whats to come. Chapter One starts at the next section!!


     I felt his cool fingers gently glide around my own and pulled him closer to me, wrapping my arm around his waist. We stood out on the balcony, facing the beautiful waters of The Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia. It was honestly breathtaking; I was truly speechless. 

     Our beachfront hotel room was enough to permanently stun me. I had to remember how to breathe several times when we first arrived here. It was just so beautiful, and everything else was just so perfect. My heart fluttered wildly and nearly flew out of my chest when I felt his hand softly caressing my cheek. I closed my eyes, trying to mitigate my embarrassment as my blush came through against my will. I opened my eyes to find him staring intently into my eyes. I exhaled, a little too loudly to be intimate. He released a light chuckle. 

     "What's wrong, sweetheart?" he asked tenderly, still stroking my face with a feather light touch.

     "Nothing. It's just so..." I broke his steady gaze for a second to look out to the water again before meeting his beautiful brown eyes,"beautiful and perfect here." I closed my eyes again as his hand cupped my face.

     "You're beautiful and perfect," he responded quietly after a moment. My breath caught in my throat, and I leaned into his touch. I brought my arms around his neck as one of his went around my waist, the other still holding my face. 

    "A girl could get used to this," I said into his broad shoulder. He laughed gently, swaying our bodies back and forth to the sound of the waves crashing against the building below. 

    "I want you to get used to this, because I can't think of any other girl who deserves this more than you do," he whispered into my hair. "You deserve to be treated like a Queen. My Queen." I nearly fell limp in his arms. The only thing that kept me from doing so was the light sea spray touching my exposed skin. 

    "Do you really mean that?" I asked him in a small voice.

    "Every word," he sincerely said. I relished in the sound of his voice, the feel of his body against mine and became overwhelmed with feelings that built up in my gut, and washed out over my entire body, clouding my mind.

    "Okay," I said. I unwrapped our arms from around each other and took his hand, leading him back inside the spacious and luxurious hotel room. 

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