Chapter Ten - Coming to Terms

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I didn’t need the heater turned on, it was the middle of June, after all. Both of us didn’t really want to leave the beach yet, so all I did was drive up on the shore. I wasn’t sure if this was legal or not, but it didn’t matter. No people were out here tonight to witness any crimes.

I let the sunroof back and opened the windows. At least in here we’d have a little more light. 

We’d stayed in my car for a long time, continuing the question game. My mouth ran dry, my cheeks became sore, my sides ached from laughing so hard.

“Oh my god,” I said, pointing above our heads through the sunroof.

“Crap,” he said. 

The stars were starting to go away, disappearing back to their hiding spots as the sun began to rise.

“Where did the time go?” I asked. 

“I have no idea,” he whispered, running a hand over his face.

I sped down the road on which we came. 

“Uh, where are we going?” I asked. Was I supposed to take him home? Like, to where he lived?!

“Just back to the diner. My cars parked in the back.”


It was fairly easy to find the way back, just super-hard saying goodbye. I wanted to be near him at all times. I wanted to feel his fingers in mine, and listen to the sound of his voice.

“Thanks, Rachel. I’ll call you later, okay?”

“Okay,” I smiled sadly. Before I could realize it, he leaned over and placed a kiss on my surprised lips. I blushed and smiled widely before he got out and shut the door My arms and legs felt like jelly as I drove home.

The consequences of yesterday’s events came crashing down on me all at once. I had just enough energy to take a shower and fall asleep. 


Kendra stopped by later that day so we could hang out. Nicky really encouraged me to come closer to her, and I decided it would be best. We chose to go somewhere for lunch.

“So, how’re things with the baby?” I asked her as we pulled into the parking lot of a small café. She hasn’t gotten to the point where her pregnancy is obvious, but I can notice slight changes in her. She seems more tired than usual, and she is constantly asking for or eating strawberries.

“Things are really good. I haven’t been vomiting that much, just a few times. But my boobs are really sore,” she said. I laughed lightly.

“I’m sure that’s normal,” I reassured her. When we were seated and ready to order, I took this as an opportunity to bring up Derek. This is something that they both can’t hide from. “Have you talked to Derek lately?” I asked. Her face immediately fell, and I felt guilty. But this is something that cannot go unaddressed.

“Um, yeah. We talked on the phone a couple days ago when I asked him to come to the first appointment with me,” she said. Taking a sip of her strawberry tea. 

“He told me he would be there,” I promised. She smiled a little.

“I’m scared, Rachel. I really am. I’ve never done this before and I just don’t know what to do. I haven’t told anyone about this and it scares me. Thinking about being a mom,” she said. A tear fell down her cheek. I grabbed her hand across the table. 

“That’s perfectly normal, Kendra. You have every right to be scared, and I can understand why. But the most important thing is telling your parents. Derek wants to talk to you about this, but you guys have to tell your parents. I know this scares you, but your mom has been through a pregnancy before, she knows what to do. She loves you and she cares about you and I know that she will help you through this,” I squeezed her hand.

Helplessly in Love: A Taylor Lautner Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now