Chapter Eleven - Breaking the News

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I decided to upload early because I won't be home until Saturday night. SO I did this for you guys so you wouldn't have to wait so long on the next upload!! Why am I so nice???

I hope you like this one, next one gets better!!


When I woke up the next morning, I had a serious craving for a breakfast burrito, but I had absolutely no food in my new home. I showered, got dressed, and decided to grab some from a fast food place on my way to the grocery store.

After a very satisfying breakfast, I went inside the grocery store for the first time ever on my own. I felt the odd sensation to document all these important events, but I didn’t.

I grabbed pop tarts (of course), a box of cereal, a pack of bagels, milk, orange juice, eggs, various fruits and vegetables, a few TV dinners, lunchmeat, bread, two bags of chips, salsa, some yogurt, granola bars, hot dogs, hamburger meat, a can of chili, a bag of frozen chicken nuggets, some different boxes of pasta, and a gallon of chocolate ice cream.

You could say I was genuinely surprised when I ended up paying eighty dollars for all that. Who knew living alone could be so expensive?!

I guess you could say I glad to be working all this week after Sunday. Patrick thought it’d be funny to adjust my schedule, so I had to work around that. 

I went home and put the groceries away while listening to Kings of Leon from my ipod dock. I let the music keep playing while I got ready for work; I had to be there in an hour.

At work, everyone acted the way they did before. But Sarah acted like we didn’t have that little exchange the other day. So be it. I decided not to give Taylor her picture anyway. I threw it away when I got home that night she gave it to me.

There was an unusually large amount of people here this afternoon. We had two birthday parties going on simultaneously, and a bunch of older people just hanging out.


Taylor texted me about two hours into my shift, when I was scraping dried gum off the bottom of tables.

What’s up?

Nothing much, just at work, I replied. I thought he would call me last night, but I figured he would be busy with other things that celebrities have to do…

That stinks…But let me make it up to you tonight?

Like what time? I asked. The butterflies started forming in my stomach again, making me smile uncontrollably.

8-ish? That sound good? he said. I loved how he texted right back.

Sounds great. I get off at 4, so I’ll see you then!

Awesome. I’ll pick you up at 8.


“Rachel, why are you texting on the job?” Patrick asked. He was standing right over me with an annoyed expression on his face. Call me crazy, but I feel like he was looking for something to call me out on.

“Won’t happen again,” I replied smoothly.

He walked away without another word. Creeper!

My shift was nearing its end, and I was excited for my date. But something I just remembered had held me back: Derek.

Today was the day that Derek and Kendra were going to break the news to mom and dad. I said a silent prayer for my brother while I darted to the back to make a phone call.

Helplessly in Love: A Taylor Lautner Love Storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें