Chapter Twenty-Four - Surprise!

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Hey guys!! I am completely blown away by all the positive feedback I've been getting, and it makes me really happy to know that there are so many people who enjoy my writing!! It makes me so happy to read your amazing comments :)

So, my band got 3rd place at our competition yesterday!!! WOOOOO!!! But that's why I've been so busy, between rehearsal after school and ball games that I have to go to....It's a lot of work.

Now that marching band season is almost over, I can have more time for myself, and more time to write!!!

So thanks to all my wonderful fans for being so amazing!!

ANNNNND the dedication goes to Cb1997 for becoming my 25th fan!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much!!!!! :)


“Wow,” I whispered to myself when I was finished reading New Moon. It was such a good book; I couldn’t stop reading until it was over. I felt really silly when I found myself comparing Taylor to Jacob Black…even though they are kind of the same person, in a way.

It’s in the middle of Sunday afternoon, and I decided to stay indoors today. I figured I might as well because it’s my day off, and Derek decided to hang out with Kendra all day long. That was kind of selfish of him.

As a part of my daily routine, I sent a message to Nicky, only to have her not reply once again. I felt the usual pang in my heart after I realized how upset she is with me. After that, frustration took over because she simply doesn’t understand.

I walk into the kitchen, pondering through what little food I have and stumble upon the cookies Taylor and I made the night before he left. I laughed out loud because I thought I threw those away! I popped one in my mouth and chewed, slowly, as if that would somehow make it taste better. Well, it didn’t. I didn’t mind it at all, though. I smiled while I swallowed the disgusting little cookie and washed it down with milk. I smiled because I pictured him next to me, getting eggshells in the dough, putting in too much flour, and forgetting to add sugar. I loved how he sounded when we laughed so hard, and the way he made me laugh when his tickling wouldn’t stop…

I missed him so much.

I couldn’t even handle how much I missed him right now.

To distract myself, I turned on the TV and put my ipod on the dock, blasting the first song on the shuffle list.

After taking a shower and getting dressed, I sat down at the dining room table with my bills scattered out in front of me with my handy-dandy calculator. I had enough money to pay for everything, so I wasn’t broke, but living on my own is getting expensive. But if I don’t deal with it now, I never will. 

My ears perk up as I hear the sound of Taylor’s name on the TV in a recent interview. I run with lightning speed to see him talking with a reporter, talking about Breaking Dawn part two, like a good boy. I smiled at the thought of this. 

I caught myself staring at the way his mouth moved as he spoke with such clarity, and the way he broke into that breathtaking smile that I loved so much. 

Call me crazy, but I felt like when I looked into his eyes through the television, he was looking right at me. 

I shuddered a little and moved from his eyes to the rest of his flawless face, and the way the reporter girl was flirting with him. I felt a brief pain of jealousy, which turned into flat out anticipation when she asked him if he was seeing anyone.

Helplessly in Love: A Taylor Lautner Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now