Chapter Twenty-One - Gifts

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Hey, hows it going?!

Sorry, I know this is late, but I hope you like it anyway!!!!!


“You have to hide,” I hissed under my breath. Taylor’s widened eyes roamed around in confusion. 

“Why?” he murmured. 

“I don’t think it’s Kendra at the door. Look, I’ll go see who it is, then we’ll go from there,” I whispered. “But for now, try to squeeze in my closet.”

“Okay,” he mumbled, and quietly stalked off.

“And silence your phone,” I whispered after him just as the person at the door knocked again. I straightened out my clothes and headed to the door, taking two deep breaths before I opened it and revealed Derek, holding a couple boxes of takeout Chinese food. “Hey, Derek!” I greeted him loudly, so Taylor could hear. I don’t know if I could keep the quiver out of my voice, though.

“Hey, Rach. I brought dinner. Hope you don’t mind,” he said sheepishly, stepping out of the rain.

“Not at all, that sounds great right now. How about you go set that up in the kitchen and I’m gonna go take care of something really fast,” I suggested.

“Like what?”

“Girl business?” my lie made my voice uncertain. He pretended to gag and stalked off around the corner. I darted to my closet to find that Taylor wasn’t there. I started freaking out, then. There’s not that many more places he could hide!

I looked under the bed, in the bathroom, and in the closet again, only to find a folded piece of paper. I opened it without hesitation, hoping this would have some type of explanation as to where he went. 


First of all, hiding in your closet is next to impossible. J

Second of all, I snuck out the window, in case you were wondering.

Third of all, I want to see you before I leave in the morning, so I’m going home to get everything packed, and then as soon as you text me the okay, I would like to stay the night, maybe?

Don’t forget to text me when your visitor leaves.


His handwriting was enough to stun me, as it was every time I saw it. The note itself was melting in sweetness, and I liked his plan. A lot. I couldn’t wait to see him tonight, knowing that it would be the last time for a week.

As I glanced across my bedroom, I noticed the wide window was slightly ajar. I headed over to close it quietly, so that my brother wouldn’t hear. I carefully placed the note in my dresser and headed to the kitchen with a grin.

“So, what’d you bring us?”

“Orange chicken, fried rice, and a couple egg rolls,” he answered with a slight smile. I noticed he undid his tie and the first couple buttons on his dress shirt.


We gathered to the table after I’d poured both us a glass of iced tea. Sitting across the table from him, I realized some slight changes in him. He wasn’t scruffy around the face anymore---I’d noticed that he’d shaved. Also, he seemed happier, there was a brightness in his eyes that I couldn’t place. It made me happier by just watching him.

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