Chapter Twenty-Five - Roller Coaster

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“I haven’t been to one of these in so long!” I gushed to Taylor as he swung our arms back and forth in the air as we walked, the light sea spray finding solace on the back of our bodies.

“Same here,” he agrees, grinning from ear to ear. We head up to a large Farris wheel first. His eyes are sparkling with excitement. “Yeah?” he asks, motioning to the ride. I nod silently and grin as we get buckled in, and moved to the very top, about thirty or so feet above the ground.

Up here, we can see the horizon where the sky meets the ocean and it’s so gorgeous; it takes my breath away.

“Wow,” I whisper while Taylor takes my hand. He rubs circles on the back of my hand while I feel his eyes on me. I turn to catch him looking at me with adoration and the L-word again, but I can’t force myself to think it for fear that it might not be true. 

I knew from the very bottom of my heart that I loved him unconditionally; there’s no doubting that at all. I just feared that somehow he didn’t feel the same way. So I wouldn’t say I loved him aloud, even though I really did. I didn’t want to scare him off. Never in a million years.

“What?” I asked quietly with a smirk, as he was still looking at me in a way that made my heart pound, made my palms get sweaty. He said nothing, but just leaned down and gently pressed his lips to mine. 

We only kissed for a short moment before we felt a jerk, then moved forward, signaling that the ride had officially started. 

I leaned my head against his shoulder as he wrapped an arm around me. Although it was kind of difficult to do this with safety restraints, we still managed. I smirked smugly. 

“I’m glad we came here,” he says quietly as we reach the top for the fifth time.

“Me too,” I say, turning my head to look up at him. He smiled down at me and I closed my eyes while he kissed my forehead sweetly. 

The ride was over a few minutes later and we got off, hand in hand, headed for a roller coaster. This was sure to be fun.

It was called The Twister, although it didn’t look that intimidating. Taylor was all hyped to do it anyway, so I couldn’t refuse him. 

Once we were strapped in, I clutched his hand in both of mine. He chuckled and kissed my forehead, we both felt my fear slowly creeping up.

“Don’t worry. It’s alright,” he says with laughter. “I’m right he---” he said. Then we darted forward. I pretty much never let go of his hand the whole time, he even screamed when he went down the first big incline. We went through so many twists and turns, I honestly lost count. We even went upside down for a few moments, but I couldn’t feel the blood rush to my head because I’d left it all behind when we first started, along with my stomach, and guts.

When it was over, we both sat still for a while, trying to even our breathing. He looked at me and grinned, flashing his pretty teeth, and I began to feel like myself again. Kind of.

I just needed a moment.

“You ready?” he asks after a minute or two. I nod and let him help me out of the cart. I have trouble walking at first, but it gets better. He looks concerned when I bump into him, hard. Like I didn’t see him there. “Are you alright?” he places a hand on my forehead.

“Yeah,” I lie. I actually feel nauseous. “I just need to sit down for a minute.”

He helps me over to a nearby bench and fetches me a water bottle. “Drink this slowly,” he orders. I do, and it helps a little bit.

“That’s never happened before,” I admit, trying to calm my stomach. How embarrassing would it be to vomit on our date!

“It’s okay,” he says gently, taking my hand and rubbing it gently. I smile convincingly after I feel a little better. Soon enough, I can stand up on my own and walk without support.

Helplessly in Love: A Taylor Lautner Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now