•Right on time• 《1》[small series]

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Brendon's POV

"Please, don't leave" I protested against Sarah.

"I'm sorry Brendon, but I'm not happy with you anymore, I've found someone else... I want a divorce" She said sternly. I nodded in defeat and answered her, "Okay, I'll get the divorce papers by friday"

"You better"

"I will"

■Time skip■

I watched her leave out the white door with the rest of her belongings, without a word. She hauled all of her luggage into the vehicle outside and hopped in, she was going to be staying with her parents until she finds a place to stay in or until she moves in with her new lover after the divorce. Tomorrow I'll be going to get the forms filled out and we'll have the papers, but we still need to go to court.

It hurts, it hurts because I thought she was the one, my one and only, the love of my life... but she's not, and I was wrong to think that.. no! She'll come back, she still loves me... right? We've been together for more than five years, but all of that time she used me for fame and money, it felt like she loved me, or it was just me wanting her to feel the same way, I probably couldn't see the false smile she plastered across her face, and the lies she spat through her teeth.

I'm stupid for believing she was the one.

I thought I loved her, I thought she loved me...

I realised I was on my knees crying, crying that I could feel the physical and emotional pain run through my body.

She took everything, my heart, my happiness, the dogs, she even took every last bit of joy I had left in me.

■time skip to a month later■

I've been trying to get over Sarah, I've deleted every last picture I've had of her on my phone and on social media, and she did the same, I unfollowed her, and I even blocked her.

I tried everything, but her image was still in my mind, it was unforgettable.

I couldn't stand trying to isolate myself, so I spent time with Tyler and Josh.

They helped me alot, but I couldn't bug them forever.


I sat in the mall sipping on some coffee, looking at my phone, the fans have been trying to support me, it makes me happy that they care, but I still felt hurt.

I'm supposed to be going on tour in a few months, and I'm dreading to still have this feeling by then.

I got up and walked over to the trash, I threw away my empty cup and slid my phone in my back pocket of my jeans. I was about to walk out of the mall when I saw Ryan....

Holding hands with Sarah.

They saw me, Ryan having the look of guilt across his face and an evilly-satisfied look on Sarah's.

I ignored them and stormed out of the building, I could feel tears sting the back of my eyes, but I battled with them to not come out, but it got harder the longer I kept doing it.

I reached my car and got in, I grabbed my keys and started the vehicle, it roared to life and I slowly made my way out of the parking lot. Why does she seem to haunt me? Because I still love her, no I just miss her.

I drove down the road and made my way home, maybe I should make a new song or socialize and try to forget about Sarah, it would make it easier to move on.

Brendon Urie imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now