•Right on time• 《2》[small series]

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A/N: j didn't edit this so watch out for mistakes and run-on sentences. Maybe even spelling mistakes and bad grammar, I an sorry if I messed up, I was in a rush.

Brendon's POV

It's been a week since I've talked to Y/N, I got her number while she was here, she seemed pretty cool and she was actually really funny, I really do want to see her again, maybe I should just man up and text her, it wouldn't hurt to make a new friend?

I grabbed my phone and unlocked it, I went through my contacts and found Y/N's name, I clicked it and it opened to the chat. I typed up a simple greeting and pressed send.

Brendon: Hey

Y/N: Hey!

Brendon: do you want to come over?

Y/N: Sure! I'll be over in a few minutes.

Brendon: Okay, see you then.

Read 1:08 PM

I sighed and turned off my phone, I quickly got up and looked around, looks clean enough to have a visitor.

I ran a hand through my hair feeling the softness of it and looking at my wall, maybe I should watch a show before she comes, yeah i think I'll do that. But, before I could, I heard a knock at the door, damn that was fast. I quickly looked at the clock and it read 1:25 PM, guess I'm really distracted by my thoughts if time is flying by this fast.

I got up and walked to the door, I unlocked it and saw Y/N standing there politely waiting for me, "Hey"

"Hey," I let her in and she asked, "what you doing?"

"Shit all, I was just about to watch something but you came before I could reach for the remote"

"Oh, well maybe we could watch something, or go somewhere?"

"Sure, where do you want to go?"

"I don't know, where do you want to go?" She said exaggerating the word 'you' a bit.

"Um- well do you want to go to the carnival?"

She gasped and her E/C eyes lit up with excitement, "Sure!" She said excitedly.

I chuckled and reached for my shoes, I slipped them on and grabbed my keys, we left and locked the house before walking to the fair. Hopefully we'll have fun, and hopefully we can get to be good friends.

We walked and talked about random subjects (things like; hobbies, habits, interests, movies, etc).

"So, why did you come to LA?" I asked.
(Fact: I'm listening to LA Devotee atm)

"Well, I came to make my career bigger and hopefully start a new life that I enjoy"

"What's wrong wih your previous life?"

"Well, I can't really go anywhere when I live in the country with my family and horses, now can I?"

"Your family has a horse ranch?"

"Yeah, it's sort of a tradition to keep horses in the family, but that's my brother's/sister's (which one you have, if you don't have any siblings then pick one) job, I want to do something different with my life"

"That's cool"

"You think?"


"Well... thank you"

"You're welcome" I smile at her, she looks at me and returns it with a shine in her eyes.

We made it to the carnival, I paid for both of us, as I wanted to come off as a decent guy to Y/N, which I am. But, I just don't want to come off as a slob or anything.

We strolled around until we found a ride we both wanted to go on, the Zipper, a nice thrill wouldn't mind.

We lined up and talked, she held the cotton candy I bought her just before we lined up and ate it happily, she looked adorable with her big E/C orbs looking around with joy.

She smiled at me and said, "What?"

"Nothing, you're just cute"

She looked down and blushed, I couldn't help but smile, "better hurry up and eat that before we get on" I said as we were getting closer to getting in the ride.

She freaked out and ate it as fast as possible, I couldn't help but laugh, she was all too adorable.

We got on and sat there waiting for the ride to start, the tension rising and our excitement growing.

We got off the ride and Y/N was laughing because off my screaming, it was embarrassing but I'm glad she's having a good time.

We went on various other rides until it was getting late, we of course went to the ferris wheel last, we got on and talked.

We looked at the lights and noticed there was going to be fireworks soon, wow, everything just trying to come off as vanilla... well that's only for now.

The whole time I've been here, I completely forgot about Sarah, it's like she was erased from my memory.

Maybe, just maybe, Y/N is the one, the real one.

And all I can say is that

She came right on time.

To be continued..

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