Selfish [Happy ending]

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Pic above? I dunno honestly xD

I just came back from the doctors, I was pregnant.
I had to tell the singer I called my boyfriend, it was hard.

When he walked in, he said something I will never forget.

"I'm leaving you, having a relationship and going on tour is too much to handle"

Ever since, I've thought of how stupid of an excuse it was to ditch someone he unknowingly impregnated. Really!? He left cause being on tour and being with someone was "Too much" ?! Yeah right! I couldn't believe him.

Now, I was living on my own, with a four year old and two jobs. While I would work, my best friend would babysit for me. The son I've had to raise as a single mother was hard, even harder that I barely spent time with him.
His name was Eric, and he had brown hair much like his father's and was already up to my waist.

Today, I had the day off from both of my jobs. Although I had two and couldn't really see my kid, they weren't that difficult, one was photography and the other was an assistant at a music store.

But today, I got to relax and spend quality time with my child that I loved more than anything.

"Mommy, can we play two player on my sonic racing game?"

"Of course, Eric" I said sweetly to my son and I set up for our game session.

We were playing and laughing, I've always loved the little bundle of joy Eric was, he could lighten anyone's day by just saying a small Hello.

I checked the time as we finished our race. 4:53 PM.
"Sweetie, we need to go shopping before the store closes"

"Okay" he said cheerfully.


When we arrived to the grocery store I was looking for certain items so I can bake Eric some cookies later on.
I just needed sugar and chacolate chips, eggs, vanilla, flour, brown sugar, baking powder, butter, etc.
As I was having trouble reaching the brown sugar on the very top of the self (even worse, with was the last one and all the way in the back), someone said somehing behind me.

"Let me help you" they said politely. I moved out of the way and looked at the figure. Brendon.

Instantly, my mood changed from thankful to dreadful. Why was he here? "Thanks..." I say in an attempt to sound annoyed. He looked at me and his expression changed from confused to shocked.

"Wow! I haven't seen you in ages! How are you?" He asked frantically. I just rolled my eyes and walked away with the rest of my ingredients.

Paying for everything and Eric at my side, Brendon kept following me. When we were leaving the store, Brendon followed us, still trying to make conversation.

"Who's kid? He's cute"

"I don't know, been single for the past four years to remember a father's name" I said sarcastically and rolling my eyes once more.
Loading the groceries in the trunk and having Eric get settled in the back seat, Brendon decided to grab my arm and quietly say.

"He's my kid?"

"Why do you suddenly care now? You left me cause it was too hard to go on tour" I said in a mocking and mad tone.

"I-I didn't know" he stumbled over his words a bit.

"That's because you decided to break with me the second I was going to tell you" I said digging for the keys in my jacket pocket and closing the trunk.

"So I've been a father these past four years?"

"Aren't you with a woman named Selina or some shit?" I asked dismissing his question.

"Sarah, and yeah"

"So if you want to be a father, make a kid with her"

"Let me start over" after he said this, I looked over and simply asked.

"No! You had your chance and you didn't let me speak" and with that I got in my car and left.


Eric was sitting at the table with a glass of milk and freshly baked chocolate chip cookies. I smiled and grabbed a cookie for myself, I joined Eric soon after.
Laughing and enjoying my son's company, I heard a knock at the door.
All my friends knew not to bother me when I was bonding with my child, so I wondered who it could be.
When I opened the door however, I saw the face I hated the most. Brendon.
"What do you want?"

"I want to start over"

"Oh my god, no!"

"Please, I know I messed up but I want to start over"

"I don't think that's happening"

"Please, let me prove myself" he almost looked pitiful.

"Mmm," I took a moment to think about something, "Do you want a cookie?"

"What? What does that have to do with our situation?"

"Do you want one or not?"

"... sure"

"Then come in" I opened the door so he can fit through, I closed it and walked into the kitchen, "Eric, honey, we have a guest"

"Who mommy?" He questioned while stuffing more cookie in his face, I took a second the consider this question.

"Just an old friend."

"Okay," he finished his snack and yawned, "I think I want to go to bed now, good night mommy"

"Good night sweetie, I love you and sleep tight"

"Love you too, mommy. And I promise to not let the bed bugs bite" he yawned again.

"And keep those toes warm" I said sweetly.

"I will mommy" and with that he ran upstairs to his room.

I looked at Brendon and then the plate of cookies, he followed my gaze and took one.

"Thanks..." he said biting into the baked sweet, "... for the cookie"

"Yeah" I looked down and crossed my arms.

"Can we please just start over?"

"I can't just go back to someone I haven't talked to in four years" I stated making a point.

"But, we can still be together and raise our child" I took a beat to consider this. Our. It was our kid indeed, but it rolled along the human tongue weirdly in an unused manner. It'll take a while to get used to.

"Okay..." I inhaled thinking if I could still take back my next words, "... I forgive you."

Brendon's eyes widened, "Really?"

"Yes" I said finally looking up at him. He smiled massively and hugged me with great enthusiasm.

"Thank you so much, Y/N. I still love you" He whispered that last part and rested his head in the crook of my head.

"I still love you," I said and hugged back, "but what about Selina?" I practically heard him smile.

"Sarah, and she'll understand."


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