.:Fangirls Punishment:. [Smut]

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**pic above is me

"Hello everybody! My name is Markiplier" the video started.
I smiled and watched the video.
I was up late and curled up beside my boyfriend, Brendon.
He was asleep.

The video ended and I managed to stay quiet throughout the whole thing.

I logged into my fan account on Instagram, *insert IG Markiplier fan name*.
I was messaging other accounts about Mark, it was fun fangirling with other people.

I was startled by Brendon asking, "Who's Mark?"


"Enlighten me"


"I thought I told you you were mine" he then pulled me into him and I dropped my phone.

"It's just a simple celebrity crush, Bren"

"I was your celebrity crush before"

"Just because you noticed me doesn't mean he will."

"Yes it does"

"No! What you did was rare"

"I don't care what you have to say, you're getting your punishment"

"What?! Why do I need to get punished?! He's just a YouTuber I watch, it obviously doesn't mean anything" I protested.
My comment was ignored and Brendon was on top of me.
"Brendon stop!"


"But please, I'm tired. In the morning Brendon," I protested, I was actually a bit tired. But he didn't seemed fazed by my words, instead he just pressed his lower half into me, causing me to slightly moan.

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