♧Miss Jackson♧ [Sad?]

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B/F/N (Best friends name)

Today, Brendon was working with a few people and was gone most of the day, but he was coming home in a few hours.
I was nervous. Nervous because I had decided to tell him that I made a mistake of letting Josh intoxicate me with all the liquor in his cupboards and then taking advantage of my body.
It was a mistake, and now I will have to deal with the consequences. Even if they involve heartbreak...

Brendon walked through the front door, "I'm home!" He said loudly as the excited dogs greeted him with wagging tails.
I was sitting at the edge of the bed with beads of sweat rolling down my forehead, due to anxiety. Was it hotter in here than before? I wondered to myself.
To make matters worse, Brendon had walked through the door with a massive smile that soon faded when he'd taken notice of my nervous state.
"Babe, what's wrong?" He asked concerned.
"Promise me you won't be mad?" My voice soft and broken.
"Babe, what is it?"
"I let Josh take advantage of me..." I started, "...I was too drunk to know what to do" Brendon's face dropped.
"Get out." Was all I got from him.
"Wha- wait let me explai-"
"I. Said. Get. Out." He was more stern this time. Tears starting to sting the backs of my eyes.
"I'm sorry"
"I'm not going to say it again" he yelled throwing me a back pack.
"Brendon, I was drunk"
"So what! You let his dick get you in a situation that you wouldn't be able to get out of! And you expected me to not be mad!?" He screamed. I stood there, not knowing what to say with tears streaming down my face. He continued when he took note that I wasn't saying anything. "You better pack your shit and get the fuck out of my fucking house! And Don't even think about coming back!"
I looked down and walked toward the closet, packing what I could and grabbing my phone along with its necessities.

I walked out the door with my heart shattered to pieces, pieces so small that even the tiniest fingers of the smallest woman wouldn't be able to put the back together.
Pieces so small, they scratched against her other organs and caused a horrific amount of pain. Emotional pain, although it Seemed like it was physical.

I walked to my best friends house, B/F/N. And stayed there, she always had a room ready for me at times like this.
But, she made it worse as her boyfriend had moved in with her a month ago.
But, either way, I was still hurt. So hurt I couldn't leave the room, eat, drink, sleep.
I didn't even lay on the bed. I would curl up underneath the bed and face way from the door, thinking if I would ever move from this spot.

Brendon's POV

I watched her leave, the second she was gone out the door, I was filled with immediate regret. She was right, she was drunk after all. She couldn't fight back or resist.
It felt worse when he told her to leave. He was so cruel to her, he used his voice to break her even more. And he raised his voice at her, he never yelled at anyone. Especially his lover.
He was hurt by his own words: "You better pack your shit and get the fucking out of my fucking house! And Don't even think about coming back!"

How could he be so cruel?
He knew where she was, but he couldn't bring himself to take his body there. He wanted to say that he was sorry and that she was right, she was too drunk to do anything but let Josh have his way with her...

He may have not been able to go see Y/N but he could bring himself to see Josh...

I knocked on the apartment that belonged to Joshua Dun.
He opened the door and smiled, "Hey Bren! Come in si-"
He was cut off with my fist to his jaw. He dropped to the ground unconscious and twitching. As he slowly latched onto consciousness again, Brendon walked above him and gripped his throat, "Don't you ever think about touching Y/N again, you hear!?" He screamed in the drummers face.
Josh nodded in a panicked pace.

Brendon punched a fee more times and left him to wake up in the morning with a couple of shiners, a broken nose and a few cuts on his face (places like; his lip, his eyebrow, and his cheeks).

Brendon walked back home full of rage and sorrow, Josh was one of his many best friends, and it was sad that he had to do what he had to do in order to make sure it wouldn't happen again.
Next stop, B/F/N house.
He needed to apologize to Y/N.


I curled up underneath the bed, tear stained cheeks and a heart unable to be repaired. I laid there quietly... until I picked up on some barely audible voices.

"Uh- I don't think you should be here"

"Just let me in"


"I don't care what you say, I'm not leaving"

That was all that was said before the room to where I was was opened, and someone had entered.
Before I could turn to see who it was, I felt arms wrap around me. The same arms I felt everyday for three years.
"Why are you here?" I croaked.

"I wanted to say I'm sorry..." he sighed, "for yelling at you and saying that even if you were intoxicated that you could fight back, you couldn't. I know that now" he said sadly. I was filled with sorrow and sympathy, but I couldn't forgive him so easily.


"Please, I can't live without yo-"

"Please don't say that, please don't turn all sappy on me" I rolled my eyes.

"But, I can't. I love you and have always loved you for these past four years"

"We were only together for three"

"I loved you since the day we met"


"Ever since, I knew you were the one"


It was silent for a few minutes. I, myself was contemplating if I should forgive him or not. He, Brendon was lightly sobbing into my hair and the crook of my neck.
I sighed and turned around to face him. I kissed him on his massive forehead and said, "I guess I forgive you"

"And I forgive you... and I'm sorry"

"It's okay... I'm sorry too"

And with that we fell asleep on the ground, under the bed.


Sorry I got lazy and tired around the ending... might edit later.
ADDED NOTE** I'm not editing this, I wrote this like a month ago and still haven't tampered with it, so I'll leave it to be its horrible self-- but I will make better imagines?

Cya later alligators🐊

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