Season 1 Episode 1 - Grow Up

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Skyler and Walter White are eating breakfast at the kitchen table and Scarlett White walks in the kitchen and she says "Morning". Walter and Skyler look at Scarlett and both smile at her and Skyler says "Morning Babygirl" and Scarlett leans down and kisses Walter's cheek as she passes him as she sits at the chair between Skyler and Walter and Walter says "Morning Princess". Skyler asks "where's Junior?" Scarlett says "oh he said he wasn't feeling too good". Scarlett sighs "I'll go check on him" she says as she stands up revealing a huge pregnant bump and Skyler walks off to the hallway. Scarlett runs at her temple and Walter who is eating his cereal glances at Scarlett and asks "you okay Scar?" Scarlett exhales and says "yeah I'm fine Dad. I just had a couple drinks last night". Walter pushes away his empty bowl of cereal away and looks annoyed as he shakes his head and says "when are you gonna learn huh? Life isn't one big drinking game!" Scarlett grimaces and says "Dad stop alright. I ain't in the mood. My head is literally lifting from my body". Skyler walks in as Walter says "you have to learn. You gotta grow up!" Skyler sits back down on the kitchen chair she was previously sitting on and she looks between Scarlett and Walter and asks "what's going on?". Scarlett deeply sighs and says "nothing Mom just Dad lecturing me" Skyler sternly looks at Walter and says "Walt leave her alone". Walter shakes his head and he shouts "doesn't it bother you she stays out most of the time drinking?!". Scarlett winces as Walter shouts and Skyler says "don't you remember being young? And besides I really don't see your problem she holds down her job". Skyler fondly looks at Scarlett and says "Honey why don't you go back to bed? I'll bring you in some soup". Scarlett smiles and says "thanks Mom" and she stands up and kisses Skyler's cheek and she walks off to her bedroom. Walter scoffs and says "unbelievable" as he stands up and Skyler exclaims "what?!" Walter says "you know just for once Skyler I'd like you to stick with me when I'm telling her off!" and he storms out.

Walter is in the staff room and is talking with another teacher and the teacher asks "so how's the kids and Skyler?" Walter nods and says "yeah they're good. Skyler's due in a few weeks. How's Alicia and Dennis?" and the man chuckles and says "still causing mischief" and they both laugh. Suddenly Walter feels lightheaded and the teacher asks "Walter you don't look too good. You okay?" and Walter collapses on the floor.

Skyler is doing the dishes and Scarlett walks in the living area all dressed and Skyler glances at Scarlett and watches as Scarlett puts on her cream leather jacket and Skyler dries her hands with a dish towel and asks "you off somewhere? You don't start work until six" Scarlett says "I'm gonna go to Jesse's before work" and Skyler sighs and says"okay Scar..I'll call you later" and Scarlett nods and she walks out of the house and she says "alright Mom. I'll catch you later" and Skyler shakes her head.

Walter White Jr walks out of his bedroom and looks at Skyler who is drinking a cup of coffee and he asks "where's Scar?" Skyler says "she's at Jesse's" as she rolls her eyes. Walter Jr asks "Mom why do you and Dad hate him so much?" Skyler rubs her stomach and says "he is just a waste of space she can do ten times better. After eight years I've always hoped she'd see sense but apparently not" and Walter Jr frowns at his mothers disapproval.

Scarlett walks into Jesse Pinkman's house and Jesse and Badger and Skinny Pete and Combo are sitting in the living room and Scarlett asks "what we talking about?". Jesse turns his head and looks at Scarlett and he grins and says "ah there's my girl" as he stands up and walks towards her and kisses her and he asks "want a beer?". Scarlett shakes her head and says "nah I got work. Make it a soda Baby" Jesse smirks "you got it" and Jesse walks into the kitchen. Scarlett walks to the sofa and fist bumps Combo and Skinny Pete and Badger and Combo says as she puffs at his joint "hey Scar you gotta try this shit" and Skinny Pete says "yeah this shit is dope" and Badger says "it's fucking better than sex" and they all laugh and Scarlett says "well in that case gimmie a puff" and Combo laughs as he passes his joint to his one of his best friend.

Marie's cell phone rings and she picks it up and smiles at the caller ID and puts it to her ear and says "hey Sky. I was just about to drive over to yours" Skyler cries over the phone and Marie asks "Skyler what's wrong?" Skyler says in between sobs "it's Walt he collapsed at work and been rushed to hospital" and Marie gasps.

Hank walks into the hospital and sees Marie and Walter Jr and Skyler and rushes towards them and asks "I got your phone call. How is he?" Marie shakes her head "Skyler and the kid are in seeing Walter it's not good Hank" and Hank closes his eyes.

Scarlett laughs as she sits next to Jesse at the couch and Scarlett's phone rings and she pulls it out her pocket and says "it's my Mom" and she puts it to her ear and says "Hey Mom.. woah slow down Mom Calm down..Hospital why?..No I'm leaving now" and she ends the phone call and stands up shocked and everyone looks to her in concern and Jesse asks "Babe you alright?" Scarlett shakes her head "My Dad he's been rushed to hospital..I gotta go". Jesse stubs out his cigarette in his ashtray and looks up at Scarlett and asks "want me to come with?" Scarlett says "no you stay here it's fine" and she walks outside. Jesse walks out of his house and shuts the door and exclaims "Scar hold on!". Scarlett turns around to face him and she smiles and asks "Jess what are you doing?" Jesse walks towards the car and says "I'm coming to the hospital with you. Look I know you said that it's fine but I know you'd just say that". Jesse opens the passenger side door and Scarlett opens the drivers side door and Scarlett smiles at Jesse and says "thank you".

Scarlett and Jesse walk down the hospital hallway and Skyler acknowledges her daughter and her boyfriend and she says "Scarlett what is he doing here?". Jesse looks uneasy and says "hey yo I can just go" and Skyler nods and says "yeah I think you should!"  Scarlett looks angry at Skyler and exclaims "Mom! Stop it Jesse ain't going anywhere. Where's Dad?". Tears form in Skyler's eyes and says "it's bad" Jesse and Scarlett glance at each other and Scarlett's eyes widen in worry and fear and she asks "Mom what's going on? I'm getting worried now" Skyler pies away a stray tear and says " Walt he has stage three lung cancer" Scarlett scoffs in disbelief and says "no they have it wrong I mean Doctors get it wrong all the time. I mean remember the time they thought Uncle Hank had diabetes. Doctors make mistakes" Skyler shakes her head and says "not this time Babygirl. He's been tested the test result show that he's got cancer" Scarlett's eyes fill up with tears and she breaks down crying and Skyler engulfed Scarlett in a tight hug.


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