Season 1 Episode 13 - Drugs

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Scarlett is having ultrasound scan and Jesse is holding her hand and both of their blue eyes are fixated on the baby monitor. Jesse asks "Is everything all right?" The midwife chuckles and says "I assure you Mr. Pinkman everything is absolutely fine" The midwife points her bony finger at the monitor screen and she asks "Do you see that?" Scarlett scrunched her face and asks "The peanut?" The midwife nods "That's your Baby". Jesse peers over at the monitor screen "It's so small" Tge midwife chuckles. "Your Baby will grow, it just takes patience. You are only in your first trimester".

Scott is clearing tables in the nightclub and Jane walks in and says "Scott". Scott gazes his eyes over at Jane and his face hardens "What do you want?" "To talk" Scott rolls his eyes "Tough shut, Im busy" and he approaches the bar and Jane says "Im sorry" Scott punches the bridge of his nose. Jane says "I had to sleep with him" Scott spins around to face her "What?!" He asks in disbelief. Jane says "I have a problem" Scott scratches his head "With what?!" "Drugs" and Scott's face drops.

Scarlett and Jesse walk into his house and see a Latino man  standing and Jesse and Scarlett looks at the man. Jesse asks "Can I help ya?" Jesse pushes Scarlett behind him to protect her. The Latino says "Tell Heisenberg the deals on" and Jesse nods whereas Scarlett looks confused as the man walks out of the house.

Sean is in the gym and is punching a punch bag and after a moment an elderly man approaches Sean and says "You always were a whizz with that" Sean stops and looks at the elderly man and grins "Hey Robb" Robb says "Where you been Kid?" Sean says "It's a long story" Rob smirks "I got all the time in the world" and Sean chuckles.

Jesse walks to the sofa and Scarlett asks "Who the fuck was that? And who the fuck is Heisenberg? Ain't that a beer?" Jesse starts to bite at his nails and says "It's just this dude I know, Heisenberg is his street name" Scarlett nods "Right like yours is Cap n Cook?" Jesse nods "Yeah exactly" Scarlett kisses Jesse's cheek "Im gonna make a start on dinner".

The next day Scarlett gets into her car and Sean runs out and asks "Where you goin?" Scarlett sighs "Seriously? I told you last night! I'm headed to see Dad, he's expecting me. He needs to know about Brody" Sean sighs and walks towards the car and says "I'm coming with" Scarlett looks taken back "You are?" "Yeah I hate the man but I ain't letting you tell I'm by yourself" and Scarlett grins and says happily "Well get in, we got a long drive" and Sean gets in the passenger seat.

Scott and Jane are sitting in a diner and Scott says "So, you're telling me you blew that guy cause he had gear?" Jane nods "That's why I always left yours" Scott trails off "To get your fix?" Jane nods in reply "I'm not proud of it" Scott says "You need help Jane" Jane nods "I know, I'll go to rehab. Will you wait for me?" Scott looks uncertain "I don't know, too much has happened but if we do we'll be taking baby steps. But first it's about your road to recovery" Jane nods and smiles.

Ken and the other inmates are sitting in the prison visitation room. After a moment all the visitors enter the room and Ken smiles as he sees Scarlett and Sean. They approach the table and Ken nods at Sean as Sean and Scarlett sit across from Ken. Scarlett asks "How you doing Dad?" Ken nods and clasps his hands together and says "I'm doing good Honey, how are things at your end?" "okay considering". Ken looks to Sean and says "Your Sister said you came back a while ago, why ain't I got a visit?" Sean laughs in disbelief "You being for real?" Scarlett rolls her eyes at Sean's attitude. Sean says "You got grey" Scarlett says in a warning tone "Sean". Sean says glaring at Ken "The only reason I'm here, sitting across from you is because of Scar so don't call me Son because I'm not!" Scarlett nudges Sean and says "Actually Dad, we'r here cause we got a bit of bad news" concern washes over Ken's face "Well what is it?" "it's Brody something bad happened to him, he's dead" Ken's jaw drops "Dead? What - What happened?" Scarlett sadly looks at Ken "It was a car crash" and Ken rubs at his temples and looks in distress. Sean says "Don't pretend you care" Scarlett looks at Sean in shock "Sean, stop this" "No he needs a wake up call. You sit there and pretend you're sad. I don't believe it, not for one minute. You didn't give a shit about us!" Ken angrily says "Don't you dare tell me how I feel! You don't have kids!". Scarlett stomps on Sean and says "Quit it!"

Sean storms up to Scarlett's black car and Scarlett follows him and she shouts "Hey!" Sean turns around  and Scarlett slaps him across the face and she points in his face and says "What you done in there! That was so wrong!".

Ken walks into his cell and slumps on his bed and after a moment he cries with his head in his hands.

Scarlett walks into The White Residence and Hank says "Oh here she is" Scarlett chuckles "Hey Uncle Hank" and Walter walks in the living room and says in acknowledgment "Princess" Scarlett grins "Hey Dad" "You're not still mad at me?" Scarlett shakes her head "How can I be pissed at you? You and Mom thought you were doing the right thing I just sweep it under the carpet and forget all about it" Walter nods and smiles and chokes back tears. Scarlett approaches Walter and they hug. Skyler walks in cradling Holly in her arms and she smiles "Hey Babygirl" Scarlett grins "Hey Mom, actually Im glad you're all here" Marie looks up at Scarlett as she's sitting on the sofa "Is everything okay?" Scarlett clasps her hands together and says "Actually everything is perfect. Jesse and me are getting married" Everybody's face drops and Hank says "But I thought you guys split?" "Yeah we did but we patched things up" and everyone has worry across their faces.

*(A.N - This is the end of Season 1. Season 2 will be coming out soon)*

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