Season 1 Episode 2 - Animal

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Scarlett is sitting by Walters bedside at the hospital and her phone rings and she answers causing Walter to stir in his sleep and she stands up and turns her back to Walter. Scarlett says "Hey Combo" Combo says "hey Scar I was just checking up on ya. How's your old man?" Scarlett says "he's fine considering". Combo says "so where you at?" Scarlett replies "I'm at the hospital..look Sweetie I don't mean to sound rude but I gotta go" and she hangs up her phone. Scarlett exhales as she turns around and sees Walter awake and he says "who was that?" Scarlett says "oh he's just a friend of mine" and Walter nods and he begins to cough and Scarlett rushes to his bedside table and pours him a glass of water and hands him the plastic cup of water. Walter drinks from the cup and pants and says "thanks Princess". A man walks inside the hospital room and he says "are you Walter Hartwell White?"  Scarlett and Walter look up at the man and Walter says "Princess do me a favour and call your Mom and tell her that I'm getting discharged" Scarlett nods and she stands up and looks down at Walter and says "are you sure Dad? I can stay". Walter chuckles "it's perfectly fine just call her" and Scarlett nods and she waringly looks at the man and walks out. Walter asks "What do you want? Who are you?!" The man lightly chuckles and says "oh I think you already know who I am Walter. I'm Stephen, Ken's second hand man. Now he's made numerous attempts to contact you but you choose to ignore them" Walter says "I don't want him near her. He is a animal" and Stephen laughs and says "I'll be sure to tell him that" and Stephen walks out. Scarlett and Walter walk in the house and Skyler says "you're back" and she hugs Walter. Stephen is sitting in a prison visitation room and Ken Everett walks in along with many male inmates and Ken walks to the table Stephen is sitting at and Ken sits across from Stephen and asks "Steve did you deliver that message?" Stephen nods and says "I sure did but he wasn't having it" and Ken nods and scratches at his grey stubble and says "is that right?" Stephen nods as she glances to a male prison officer and says "yeah he says you've to stay away and that you're an animal" Ken's face clouds with anger and says "alright here's what I want you to do. I want you to go to Scarlett and tell her I want to see her" and Stephen nods and says "you got it Boss".

Scarlett walks into a nightclub and a older man approaches her and says with annoyance in his voice "Scarlett you're late!" Scarlett takes off her leather jacket and says "sorry Tommy I was stuck in traffic" Tommy says "fine just don't let it happen again" and Scott who is behind the bar looks over at Scarlett and Tommy and Tommy walks off to his office. Scarlett sighs and walks towards the bar and Scott asks "why didn't you tell him about Walter and the whole y'know cancer?" Scarlett shrugs her shoulders as she walks to behind the bar. Scarlett says "it was none of his business" and Scott nods and says "yeah you're right".

Walter is sitting on the bottom of his bed and Skyler walks in their bedroom putting on hand cream and she worryingly looks at her husband and she says "hey Walt are you okay?" Walter breaks out of his trance and he looks up at Skyler and says "yeah it's just it's Ken he's back" Skyler's jaw drops and she asks "he's out of jail?" Walter shakes his head and says "No thank God" Skyler has worry over her eyes and says "Walt what are we gonna do?".

Scarlett and Scott are talking behind the bar and Stephen walks in the nightclub and approaches the bar and he sits on a bar stool at the bar and Scarlett folds her arms across her chest and walks towards him and asks "what do you want?". Stephen looks at Scarlett and says "Whiskey on the rocks. I mean this is a club? No?" Scarlett sighs and she says with annoyance in her voice "comin right up". Scarlett walks off to make his drink and Scott walks towards her and asks "who's that?" "He came by the hospital but it's weird after they spoke my Dad acted weird like really weird he was hardly talking" Scott tenses up and says "want me to show him out?" Scarlett smirks and she shakes her head and says "nah it's fine Scotty I can handle him" and Scarlett walks back to Stephen with a glass of whiskey in hand. Scarlett glares at Stephen as she puts his glass of whiskey down on the bar counter and Stephen asks "can we talk?" Scarlett scoffs and glares at Stephen and says "sorry I'm taken" Stephen chuckles "well that's a damn fucking shame. But I want to talk to you about your old man" Scarlett leans her hands on the shiny black glossed bar counter and says "yeah I wanna know who you are? And why the hell you were harassing my Dad in hospital? He don't need the stress" Stephen laughs and says "I ain't talking about Walter, I'm talking about Ken y'know your real Dad" Scarlett chortles as she says "I want nothing to do with him" Stephen says as he drinks his whiskey "there are things you don't know. Ken wants to see you" and Stephen's hand digs into his back jean pocket and takes out a piece of paper and places it on the bar counter and slides it over towards Scarlett and he says "this is the prison he's at. You should give him a visit" and Stephen stands up from the bar stool and he picks up his glass of whiskey and brings it to his lips and downs the rest of his alcoholic beverage in one gulp and he slams the empty glass down on the bar counter and says "thanks for the drink Shortcake" and he walks off and out of the nightclub. Scarlett looks down at the small piece of paper and she picks it up and Scott appears beside her and says "he seemed like a class a asshole" and Scarlett looks at Scott and says "yeah you got that right". Scott leans his elbow on the bar and looks at Scarlett and asks "well what did he want?" Scarlett scratches at her head and says "he wants me to visit Ken" and Scott gasps in shock and asks "your real Dad?" Scarlett nods "yep that's the one. Apparently according to class a asshole Ken want to see me. There's shit I gotta know seemingly" Scott arches his eyebrow and asks "so what are you gonna do?". Scarlett shrugs her shoulders sand says "I got no fucking idea. He left me and Sean I meanI haven't seen or heard from Ken in seventeen years...Why should I go all the way over there to that jail and make all the goddamn effort?" Scott nods and says "yeah I get where you're coming from I guess but he is your Dad no matter how many years pass by. I mean don't you wanna hear what he's gotta say for himself? If I was in your shoes I'd go see him look I know Walter and Skyler took you in and raised you as their own daughter but they ain't blood Ken is" and Scarlett looks at Scott and contemplates.


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