Season 1 Episode 10 - Eventful

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Jesse and Scarlett are lying in bed asleep when Jesse's cell phone rings and Scarlett groans and mumbles "" and she nudges his arm. Jesse yawns and rubs his eye and reaches out for his cell phone and accepts the phone call and places it to his ear and grumbles "Yo?" Walter says "Jesse! Get up! I'm downstairs" and Jesse jumps out of bed and Scarlett who's now awake asks "Jesse? Where you off to? It's eight in the morning" Jesse pulls on his jeans and buttons his jeans up. "That was Badge, he wants me at his place but I won't be long" Scarlett sits up in bed and smirks "You better not be" and Jesse pulls his blue jumper over his head and grins as he looks at Scarlett and yawns and he looks down to Scarlett and grins and leans down and gently kisses and caresses her head and walks out of the bedroom.

Scott is standing in the kitchen eating a slice of toast and Jane walks in and grabs her leather jacket and puts it on and Scott asks "Where you off to Baby?" Jane softly looks at Scott and says "Have to go to the store, but I shouldn't be too long Honey" and she walks up to Scott and kisses his cheek and walks out out of the apartment. Scott stares at the ground and picks up his cell phone and puts it to his ear and after a moment the line picks up and he says "Hey Scar, you busy?" Scarlett is laying in bed with her cell phone attached to her ear. "Not at this moment" Scott smiles "Great I'll text you where to meet me" and he hangs up and Scarlett exhales and sits up in bed and mutters to herself "What has a girl gotta do to get a sleep".

Walter Jr is standing in a alley with one of his friends and his friend says "Guess what I got?" Walter Jr asks "What?" and Kurt pulls out a bag of weed and asks with a mischievous smirk plastered across his lips "wanna hit?". Walter Jr grumbles "Oh I dunno" Kurt sniggers "Pussy". After a moment "Fine I'll have some weed" and Kurt grins.

Scarlett gets in Scotts black car and Scott stares ahead and Scarlett asks "Alright I'm here, so what's the big emergency?" Scott nods ahead towards 'George's Groceries' and Scarlett says "Hold up, you dragged me outta my bed to stare at George's? Dude seriously?" Scott tuts and says "No look, Jane" Scarlett stares ahead and notices Jane talk to a muscular man and Scarlett glances at Scott "So?..." Scott leans back and says "I think Jane's cheating on me" Scarlett laughs in disbelief "What?!" "Look I'm telling ya, she keeps sneaking off" Scarlett shakes her head "Look I'm sure she's not doing the dirty on ya". Jane and the man get in a car and Scott says "Let's find out" as he gets out of the car and Scarlett sighs.

Sean is unpacking a cardboard box in Scarlett's house and he walks in the kitchen and grabs a pot of scissors and walks back into the living room and a man is standing in the living room. Sean looks taken back "You shouldn't be here" The Man replies "You've been ignoring Dean's calls" Sean becomes angry as he shouts "This is my Sister's house! You got no business comin here!" The man laughs "Dean wants a word, I'm just delivering a message" Sean shakes his head and bites his bottom lip and looks annoyed. "Well tell Dean to just leave me alone!" "No can do, he needs a job doing and you're the man to do it" Sean shakes his head "I ain't in the life anymore" The man walks towards Sean and says "Oh, you're gonna meet Dean because if not...Scarlett is it?" Sean tenses up as he clenches his jaw "You leave her out of this!". The man grins "Touched a nerve have I? Yeah I've seen her around and only one thought crosses my mind. I'd like to rip her ass oh yeah I could show her a great time! Tell me does she know about your past? By that look on your face she doesn't. Oh what a shame she must think the sun comes outta your ass" The man manically chuckles "Baby Sister thinks you piss rainbows and shit clouds, well maybe little Scarlett and me need to have a talk but once I'm done with her she won't be the same..She'll be a trembling mess and not in a good way". Sean Bute's into the side of the mans neck and throws his head back ripping the flesh from the mans neck and the man falls to his knees and clutches at his bitten neck. Sean spits out the flesh that is in between his teeth. Blood drops down Sean's chin and Sean says "Nobody hurts my Sister" and the man falls on his back and his body goes limp. Sean kicks the mans dead body and says "Dean should have warned you that nobody threatens me".

Jane and the man are in the car and Jane's head goes down and Scott and Scarlett's eyes widen  and Scott asks "Is she?". Scarlett nervously laughs "Surely not" and Scott gets out of the car and Scarlett gets out of the car as well. Scott rubs up to the car and sees Jane giving the man a blowjob and Scott gasps. Scarlett opens the door and asks "So, this is your street corner?!" Jane turns around and notices Scott and says sadly "Scott?" Scott runs back to his car. Scarlett grabs a fistful of Jane's black hair and slams her head on the dashboard causing Jane's nose to bleed and Scarlett angrily says "You stay away from Scott!" and Scarlett runs after Scott.

Sean grabs the mans ankles and drags him down to the basement as he walks down the stairs the mans head bangs against each stair. Sean drops his ankles and walks i wards a red toolbox and smiles "Perfect" he mutters.

An hour later the floorboards in the basement are open and he kicks the man down into the hole and Sean looks down at the dead man and he shakes his head and puts the floorboards back.

Scarlett walks into her house as she has her arms wrapped around Scott as Scott looks numb as he is staring in a trance. Scarlett points to her sofa and say  "Go sit over there Scott" and she ushers him to the sofa. Sean is smoking a cigarette and he smiles at her "Hey Sis" "Hey, how's your day been?" Sean smirks and says "Eventful".


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