Season 1 Episode 4 - One Condition

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Scarlett knocks on a apartment door and Scott opens the door wearing a robe and he asks "Scar?" "I need to unleash my anger" and she storms past Scott. Scott sighs and shuts the door. Scarlett paces up and down in his living room and Scott says "Okay what happened?" Scarlett says with anger in her voice "I am so pissed off right now!" Scott scratches at his head and says "clearly what's up?" "Sean's back!" Scott asks "your brother?" Scarlett nods and says "yep that's the fuckin one! The nerve on him! Turns up on my doorstep after fourteen years! And to top it all off Walter might have hidden letters from me from my Dad so isn't that just the cherry on the cake!" Scott says "you weren't kidding when you said you had to unleash anger" Scarlett raises her eyebrow at Scott "Scott this is serious". Suddenly a woman shouts "Scotty Poo!" Scarlett stifles a laugh "you got company?" Scott laughs "yeah that Jane chick I've been seeing" Scarlett's face falls and she says "shit Scott Im sorry I've just barged in here". Scott laughs and says "don't worry about it. Bro's before Hoe's" Scarlett arches her eyebrow and she asks "you calling me a Bro?" and after a moment they both laugh.

It's at night and Jesse is outside smoking a cigarette and Walter appears before Jesse "Jesse". Jesse looks at Walter and his eyes widen "Yo Mr White, what you doing here? Scar ain't here" Walter says "I'm not looking for my Daughter..I'm thinking we can go into the drug business together I know you sell" and Jesse laughs and says "seriously? ah I don't think so you're my Girlfriend's Dad and my old chemistry teacher". Walter frowns and says "you haven't got much of a choice Jesse. If you don't I will tell the police you sell drugs and you will be put away for a long time I know the chemistry and well you know the business so are you in?" Jesse glares at Walter and rolls his eyes and says "guess I ain't got much of a choice have I?" Walter triumphantly smiles and says "good so we are partners we will start tomorrow. We will cook here". Jesse exclaims "woah what? why here?! Why can't we do it at your house yo?!" Walter deeply sighs and says "because I think my Wife and Kids will have something to say about that! We will cook here but on one condition Scarlett she can't know" Jesse chuckles in disbelief as he rolls his head back and says "nah I ain't doing it I've never lied to Scarlett and I ain't gonna start yo" Walter says "think about the money Jesse" after a moment of contemplating Jesse nods "fine alright".

The next morning Scarlett walks in The White Residence and Sean who is laying on the sofa sits up straight once he acknowledges Scarlett and he asks "where you been?". Scarlett rolls her eyes and says "you're still here?" as she walks into the kitchen and Sean's gets off the couch and follows her into the kitchen. Scarlett turns around and says "what are you even doing here Sean? I mean why are you back?!" "I came back for you" and Scarlett slams her hand down on the kitchen table and she exclaims "bullshit! You don't care for me! You never have!" Sean looks at Scarlett as if she's crazy and says calmly "that's not true of course I care about you". Scarlett scoffs in disbelief and she widens her eyes and raises her voice "really?! Is that you left!? You left me fourteen years ago!" Sean is close to tears and says "and I'm sorry but I swear to you I won't leave again" and Scarlett leans against the counter top "you promise? Because if you're just gonna leave just go" Sean tilts his head to the side and softly says "Sis I promise ya I ain't going anywhere" and Scarlett walks towards Sean and engulfs him in a tight hug. Scarlett's cell phone begins to ring and she steps back from the hug and puts the phone to her ear and smiles and says "hey you" Jesse says "hey Beautiful, listen I can't make today" Scarlett groans "aw Baby why not? It's our anniversary" Jesse glares at Walter who is sitting at Jesse's kitchen table and he says "I know but something came up. A bit of business I gotta handle but I promise I'll make it up to you later" Scarlett smirks amusingly "oh yeah?" Jesse chuckles and says in a low voice "yeah I'll do that thing you like so am I forgiven?" Scarlett says "oh I don't know lemme think about it" and she hangs up the phone laughing and Sean asks with concern "who was that?" Scarlett says "oh that? Oh it was Jesse he's my boyfriend" Sean's eyes widen "boyfriend? How long have you guys been together? Where does he stay? Does he work? Is he treating you right?" Scarlett chortles "woah what is this twenty four questions? For your information Jesse and me have been together for eight years. He stays in the next town over. And yes he treats more than good, he treats me like a Queen" and Sean nods "alright good, I'm gonna need to meet this Jesse" and Scarlett rolls her eyes.

Jesse is alone in his house and he is sitting on his sofa and looks down at his cd case as there is two lines of cocaine on the cd case and he contemplates whether to take the drugs but he gives into temptation as he leans down and he snorts the two lines.

Walter and Skyler walk into the kitchen and Scarlett who is sitting at the kitchen table looks up at her parents and says "I have to talk to you" and Walter says "well what's up Princess" and Scarlett says "I went to see Ken yesterday I gave him a piece of my mind because as far as I'm aware he abandoned me and Sean but he said that ever since he's been sent down to jail he's been sending letters to this house on a regular basis" Skyler looks down and walks away and Scarlett continues "Ken said he even sent me gifts every birthday and even said the house I used to live in is in my name and has been ever since I turned eighteen?" Skyler returns with a cardboard box and Skyler places the box on the kitchen table and Scarlett asks "well? Is it true?" Walter chuckles nervously "of course not. He's just been messing with your head. We wouldn't lie to you" Scarlett asks "what's in the box?" Walter sternly says "Skyler" Skyler says "I can't do this anymore Walt. Baby girl everything Ken told you it's true. These are all your letters" and Scarlett stands up and scoffs and she walks to the living room and Walter pleads "Princess let us explain!" Scarlett turns around and faces her parents and she glares at them "nah I've got a Doctors appointment" and she storms out of the house. Walter angrily looks at Skyler and asks "what have you done?!" Tears falls down on Skyler's face and says "I couldn't lie to her anymore Walt she deserves the truth".

Scarlett is sitting in a Doctors office and looks anxious and a male Doctor walks into the office and walks past Scarlett and he sits behind his desk in his office chair. Scarlett asks "so what's the verdict Doc?". The Doctor clasps his hands together on top of his desk and says "Well Miss White the test results have came back" and Scarlett asks impatiently "and?" as the Doctor pauses. "It is what I're pregnant" Scarlett closes her eyes and her eyes snap open. Scarlett asks "so what happens now?" The Doctor says "well you are just six weeks pregnant you are on the first trimester. So I will arrange for you to see a midwife and how do you feel about needles?" and Scarlett panics and she asks "fine why?" The Doctor chuckles "Im only asking because you will have to do some blood tests" and Scarlett stands up and nods "okay thanks so much Doc I thought I was pregnant" and he warmly smiles up at her "it isn't a problem Dear I'm here to help. Call me if you need anything. I'll walk you out" and the Doctor stands up.


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